Welcome to Forged Alliance

Forged Alliance is an Alliance faction World of Warcraft raiding guild with a friendly, "family-oriented" atmosphere on the US Proudmoore server. More information about who we are can be found on the About Us page. We always welcome friendly, mature players. If you happen to be one that is interested in joining us please apply here.

Latest News:

Welcome to The War Within! We hope you have fun leveling and exploring the new content. Our raid schedule and general recruiting needs are below. A more detailed list of our current needs can be found on Raider.IO and WoW Progress, although anyone is welcome to apply.

Raid Information
Tuesday / Thursday 8pm - 10:30ish pm pacific
Progression: 1/8H, 8/8N NP

This is a semi-casual group focused on progression at whatever rate we're capable with a goal of getting AOTC every tier.
Raid Leader: Idravenl / Withywindle
Roles Needed:
  • Tank: full
  • DPS (melee): medium
  • DPS (ranged): medium
  • Healer: medium (ideally with dps offspec)

Mythic+ Information
Sunday/ Monday 8pm - 10ish pm pacific

Our current goal for mythic+ is to get everyone at least a +2 completion.
More information on our mythic+ community can be found here.