Xvin 70 Warrior
Xvin 70 Warrior
Name: Austin Wise Age: 17 Main: Xvin (70, Warrior) http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... ath&n=Xvin Spec: PvP-MS (Willing to go PvE DPS but currently have PvP Gear. Willingness to Tank depends on need for tank.) Skills: 373 Blacksmithing (Mats for 375 readily available) 375 Miner To my knowledge, keyed for all heroics Not (technically) attuned for any raids other than kara but, patch 2.4 ftw? Have been PvPing for sometime but, always looking for PvE opportunities. Experience: First hand experience in kara (except Nightbane and Netherspite). Gruul's once on PTR ^^ Past guilds have more or less fallen apart, and my most current guild had a population of...well...me. "Acquainted" with Mahonri (Phrikk,Vannan, Handsomo) Xvin is my only 70, several low level alts rarely played Playtimes: With Exception of Friday's and Saturdays, anywhere between (server time) 12pm - w/e (I'm an eastcoaster, so ill try to bend to your schedule) Just want to mention, I am open to criticism! I by no means am knowledgable concerning the many facets of WoW, and I therefore am subject to bouts of Noobishness P.S. Sorry if I forgot anything, I ran into some trouble making this >.<
Xvin 70 Warrior
Welcome to the guild Thanks for coming last night, I haven't looked at the WWS but from what I saw -- you never pulled aggro on phase transitions and you didn't get spouted, which has been fairly typical of recruits. Better IMHO to turn the DPS up, than to wipe us on Hydross and have to turn it down. I miss having a DPS warrior in raids -- what ever happened to Amulec? Keep in mind what I always post in these invites -- raid spots go to the most capable / reliable, so there are no guaranteed raid positions - but they are there to be earned. So thanks again for filling in until our GM could come in.
Xvin 70 Warrior
I have talked to Amulec a couple times the last few weeks. He hopes to be back on soon, but who knows. He might play on my 3rd account for awhile just to play since his isn't goin atm. And ya, good job last night filling in Xvin... You didn't pull aggro and you followed directions. It is really a credit to you that you knew you were just filling in for the night, and when the person came on there wasn't an uncomfortable moment lol. Hopefully we will get to raid with you more in the future. Thanks man!Chuunks wrote I miss having a DPS warrior in raids -- what ever happened to Amulec?
Xvin 70 Warrior
~April 10~ Unfortunately I have ran into some computer trouble i.e. my Power supply literally melted in my case =/ Due to me no longer having a working comp, I may be unavailable for up to two weeks I'm sorry for becoming unavailable so near to joining the guild but I regret that nothing can be done. I hope (and have no doubt) that my position in any instance/raid can easily be filled and I understand this absence may affect any opportunities in the future. Goodluck with all you do in and out of WoW! And with this post I'd also like to express my gratitude for being accepted as a member of Forged Alliance. Thanks! P.S. For the information of all, I'd just like to add a warning against my power supply:
XION Supernova XON-600F14R-201 ATX12V 600W Power Supply 115/230 V cUL, CE, FCC, CB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... ion%2b600W
XION Supernova XON-600F14R-201 ATX12V 600W Power Supply 115/230 V cUL, CE, FCC, CB http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... ion%2b600W
Xvin 70 Warrior
Sorry to hear that man. I just put a new box together using a ThermalTake power supply. Seems to be working out great so far. Cya when you get back.
Xvin 70 Warrior
~April 12~ It has been a long, hard ...day from WoW. LoL j/k (though it has only been a day). It appears my compulsive hoarding coupled with my WoW addiction has led me to rediscover a personal trove of mutilated computers. From the depths of this graveyard I found a 450W Powersupply from god knows where. This means one thing: my two week estimate was incorrect by about, oh, thirteen days. Though its not a permanent solution, it looks as if i wont be sufferering any WoW Withdrawal syptoms while UPS takes it's good old time. So in short, more or less disregard my previous post ^^ Looking forward to speaking to you in WoW, Austin (Xvin)