dragonflight raider survey results

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dragonflight raider survey results

Post by draven »

greetings! the raider survey results thus far are as follows, i've added some thoughts on the results and a tentative plan for december at the end.

if you've not yet completed the survey it can be found here:


Code: Select all

Healer      4   20%
Melee DPS   6   30%
Ranged DPS  8   40%
Tank        2   10%
Total       20
classes for anyone that is curious:

Code: Select all

Death Knight    1   5%
Demon Hunter    0   0%
Druid           2   10%
Evoker          3   15%
Hunter          1   5%
Mage            1   5%
Monk            2   10%
Paladin         2   10%
Priest          4   20%
Rogue           1   5%
Shaman          1   5%
Warlock         1   5%
Warrior         1   5%
based on the responses i think we are pretty much set as far as raid composition goes.

raid difficulty:

Code: Select all

Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient                    6   30%
Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic             11  55%
Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of    3   15%
i suspect we will continue as usual with the overall goal of getting aotc, and maybe checking out mythic if there is sufficient interest. i would not expect to push mythic progression unless the bar for doing so is lower than it has been in recent memory.

raids per week:

Code: Select all

2   15  75%
3   5   25%
raid days available:

Code: Select all

Monday      11  55%
Tuesday     20  100%
Wednesday   15  75%
Thursday    18  90%
Friday      8   40%
Saturday    8   40%
Sunday      6   30%
there still seems to be a preference for raiding two days per week, but some interest in three days per week. i suspect we will continue with a tuesday / thursday schedule but maybe add a wednesday raid if and / or when it makes sense.

hours per raid:

Code: Select all

3       17  85%
3.5     1   5%
Other   2   10%
raid start time (pacific):

Code: Select all

4:00:00 PM  1   5%
5:00:00 PM  2   10%
6:00:00 PM  3   15%
6:30:00 PM  1   5%
7:00:00 PM  2   10%
7:30:00 PM  9   45%
8:00:00 PM  1   5%
9:30:00 PM  1   5%
raid end time (pacific):

Code: Select all

10:30:00 PM 6   30%
11:00:00 PM 7   35%
11:30:00 PM 2   10%
12:00:00 AM 2   10%
12:30:00 AM 2   10%
5:00:00 AM  1   5%
based on this it is safe to assume that we will continue to raid ~3 hours per raid but the times at which that happens could shift. it seems like 7:30pm - 10:30pm or 8pm - 11pm pacific are the two best options at the moment.

mythic+ days available:

Code: Select all

Monday	18	100%
Tuesday	11	61%
Wednesday	10	56%
Thursday	9	50%
Friday	8	44%
Saturday	9	50%
Sunday	17	94%
mythic+ start time (pacific):

Code: Select all

11:00:00 AM 1   6%
4:00:00 PM  1   6%
4:30:00 PM  1   6%
5:00:00 PM  1   6%
6:00:00 PM  1   6%
7:00:00 PM  4   25%
7:30:00 PM  5   31%
8:00:00 PM  2   13%
mythic+ end time (pacific):

Code: Select all

9:00:00 PM  2   13%
9:30:00 PM  2   13%
10:00:00 PM 1   6%
11:00:00 PM 6   38%
11:30:00 PM 3   19%
12:00:00 AM 1   6%
5:00:00 AM  1   6%
it seems there is general interest in mythic+ but the days and times vary a bit. i'm not sure if the way mythic+ was organized in shadowlands was the best approach so we may experiment with other options. if there are other ideas or if there is anyone that would like to help organize and / or lead a mythic+ group please let me know.

overall i think things will mostly be the same as shadowlands. i suspect december will be relatively slow for progression due to holidays and vacations and people still leveling and gearing so a tentative goal would be to get most of the way through normal mode and start on heroic progression in january, but we'll see how it goes.

if you have any questions, comments, or feedback please feel free to share.
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