App for Igotnuthin - Hunter
- Posts: 1
- Joined: September 9th, 2009, 7:59 pm
App for Igotnuthin - Hunter
Name: Steve Gibson
IRL Age: 39
Character Name: Igotnuthin
Class: Hunter
Level: 80
Main Spec: Beastmaster
Off Spec:Marksman
Trade skills: Mining / Engineering
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)? Focus is both, I will raid with the raid Spec.
Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Trial Raider rank? Yes
What is your raid experience? very little
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? it was dead.
Does anyone in our guild know you? yes.
How did you find out about our guild? Alberich
How many alts do you have and is this your main? This is my main, I have straoge alts.
What are your play times? They are about to change. Getting a new work schedule.
What of our raid times would you be able to make?
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? Yes
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems? Not yet.orking on getting gear.
Raiders are expected to bring consumables to raids. In the following categories what consumable would you bring and why?
- Flask/Elixirs:
- Well Fed: I can cook. Cooking is 420.
- Potion:
What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid?
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
What boss mod do you use? What ever I am gonna need.
What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
Anything you want to tell us? I am new to raiding
Link your armory profile. ... Igotnuthin
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
IRL Age: 39
Character Name: Igotnuthin
Class: Hunter
Level: 80
Main Spec: Beastmaster
Off Spec:Marksman
Trade skills: Mining / Engineering
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)? Focus is both, I will raid with the raid Spec.
Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Trial Raider rank? Yes
What is your raid experience? very little
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? it was dead.
Does anyone in our guild know you? yes.
How did you find out about our guild? Alberich
How many alts do you have and is this your main? This is my main, I have straoge alts.
What are your play times? They are about to change. Getting a new work schedule.
What of our raid times would you be able to make?
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? Yes
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems? Not yet.orking on getting gear.
Raiders are expected to bring consumables to raids. In the following categories what consumable would you bring and why?
- Flask/Elixirs:
- Well Fed: I can cook. Cooking is 420.
- Potion:
What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid?
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
What boss mod do you use? What ever I am gonna need.
What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
Anything you want to tell us? I am new to raiding
Link your armory profile. ... Igotnuthin
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
App for Igotnuthin - Hunter
Daghi, Crusher of Dreams(and apparently guilds) says,
Your character isn't ready yet. You should continue to run heroics and VoA and try to get into some naxx pugs to get some better gear. You should also spend the time and money to put good gems and enchants on the decent stuff you do have (helm, legs) and then also on new items you get. You also left some questions unanswered. So I'm rejecting your application. However if you still want to join FA feel free to re-apply when you've done what I've suggested.
Your character isn't ready yet. You should continue to run heroics and VoA and try to get into some naxx pugs to get some better gear. You should also spend the time and money to put good gems and enchants on the decent stuff you do have (helm, legs) and then also on new items you get. You also left some questions unanswered. So I'm rejecting your application. However if you still want to join FA feel free to re-apply when you've done what I've suggested.
- Posts: 848
- Joined: February 17th, 2008, 10:18 am
- Location: Oregon
- Contact:
App for Igotnuthin - Hunter
Or you could probably join as a non raider for now and then re-app for a raid spot when you're ready.
Also, Trial of the Champion is your friend. Run it on Normal as often as you can until you've gotten everything and be sure to hit up Heroic everyday.
Also, Trial of the Champion is your friend. Run it on Normal as often as you can until you've gotten everything and be sure to hit up Heroic everyday.
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.