app for iLiLiLiLi
app for iLiLiLiLi
Name: Li Fan
IRL Age: 26
Character Name: iLiLiLiLi
Class: Death Knight
Level: 76 (July 23, 2009)
Trade skills: 150 Eng, 46 Mining (lol)
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Forged Alliance Guidelines and Policy
- Ranking System
Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Recruit rank?
Do you understand that you SHOULD NOT expect to be invited to raids and will ONLY be invited to raids if no other characters Raider Alt or higher are able to fill those spots?
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I don't have a guild here, was from another server
How did you find our guild?
random pug
Who in the guild do you know?
i hunt with frenzyclaw, preteresse and buffytyler and they r nice and funny
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
1 49 priest alt on this server
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
I'm a casual gamer, i spend most of my time in game late at night (central time) ya can visit my web to see what i do in RL
IRL Age: 26
Character Name: iLiLiLiLi
Class: Death Knight
Level: 76 (July 23, 2009)
Trade skills: 150 Eng, 46 Mining (lol)
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Forged Alliance Guidelines and Policy
- Ranking System
Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Recruit rank?
Do you understand that you SHOULD NOT expect to be invited to raids and will ONLY be invited to raids if no other characters Raider Alt or higher are able to fill those spots?
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I don't have a guild here, was from another server
How did you find our guild?
random pug
Who in the guild do you know?
i hunt with frenzyclaw, preteresse and buffytyler and they r nice and funny
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
1 49 priest alt on this server
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
I'm a casual gamer, i spend most of my time in game late at night (central time) ya can visit my web to see what i do in RL
app for iLiLiLiLi
Besides your name burning my eyes ( ), it looks like you just want to hang out in guild chat, which I believe is fine. If and when you decide you want to start raiding, someone can run you through the way we do stuff, but until then there shouldn't be any issues. Hit up anyone from the contacts page about an invite.
app for iLiLiLiLi
His name is actually a combo of his rl name with an i in front - sort of like ipod he said. I talked to him a bit yesterday during the three runs we did together. He seems like a nice guy in general and is just looking for a good bunch of people to have as friends in game.
- Posts: 848
- Joined: February 17th, 2008, 10:18 am
- Location: Oregon
- Contact:
app for iLiLiLiLi
Bring him on board. Now if we have a guild meet we can have it professionaly photog'd.
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.
app for iLiLiLiLi
hahaha, thank you for the inv
app for iLiLiLiLi
I grouped with this toon with my DK (Solkanar) a few weeks back and it was a lot of fun. Looks like the invite was given while I was away, but just wanted to add my 2 cents anyway since we had fun questing together a while back. Welcome Li!