Moments to Cherish

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Moments to Cherish

Post by Gathgor » March 15th, 2007, 1:39 pm

Last night was one of them...  Escarriot and I were running our alts Grandmaster (level 44 I think) and Qisonorian (level 36) through STV when we happened upon some horde.  The highlight of the night after being killed by a 38 clothie and a ??rogue to us with an epic mount was when Mike was determined to take down the rogue.  He melted the rogue's face while I taught the clothie that "cat claws hurt like crap, man."  We both laughed when we also saw a level 6 orc outside of Grom'Gol; I moonfired his ass! Anyone got any cool ganking stories?  Then the night before, I got to watch Escarriot duel this other paladin.  You were right, Mike; what a yawnfest.  I think you two were at it for like 10 minutes whacking each other, then stunning the other one, then healing, rinse and repeat.  I missed the end of the fight because my WOW subscription ran out!!!

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Moments to Cherish

Post by Hardwigg » March 15th, 2007, 7:05 pm

Man, the other day in Nagrand I was farming away on Clefthoofs and such, trying to earn some cash for my epic bird, when some 'lock decides it's a good time to cheap-shot me midfight.Now I admit, I had a few levels on the guy (me being 70 and him 67 or some such thing), but still, 'locks are tough to PvP.So the dude spanks me right quick and gets me down to half-life as I'm mid-fight.  I turned around and smacked the crap out of him, reducing him to dust.  Of course, I was dotted all to hell and was probably going to die anyway, so I turned back to finish off the Clefthoof.  Then the dude uses his soulstone and starts wailing on me again!!  So again, I turn around and critically strike his face, killing him a second time.I was pretty damn happy.  Then I died from the DoTs.

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Moments to Cherish

Post by Gathgor » March 19th, 2007, 5:38 pm

OK, I made a huge big bad boo boo.  I talked with Mike/Escarriott and he corrected me in that he sheeped the ??rogue and killed another mid-40's rogue while I was killing mine.  We ran like hell so I thought he had killed the 60 when he yelled "I killed that rogue!  I killed that rogue!"

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Moments to Cherish

Post by Mahnalor » March 20th, 2007, 9:11 pm

Another Rogue story... I was questing in Zangarmarsh and a Rogue about 2 levels below me and decided it was cool to try and gank me during a fight with a mob. Well I was at 50% health when he tried it the first time and I nailed him while I feared the mob.  So I finished the mob off after killing him and a second mob that the first one aggroed. Now I am at about 10% health now and just started eating to restore my health... shortly after I started the same rogue tries to gank me again.  Apparently the graveyard wasn't too far for him...  Anyway, we fought and he got me down to what I swear was about 10hp left.. and BAM!!!! I hit him with a 3k+ crit :)  I could just picture his jaw dropping nd him think WTF was that!!!  That definitely put a smile on my face Oh... and the rogue did not come back after that...

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Moments to Cherish

Post by mlefebvr » April 13th, 2007, 9:20 pm

Here is my story! I'm on my pally Magotmilk looking for more adamite mines to farm, in the center of Terokkar.He is level 62, almost too low for the area. As I find a mine, I dismount, and notice a 63undead lock fighting some mobs to my left. I thought surely, he was busy, and I was only herefor a few seconds. Well, I see a full set of dots light up, and here we go. A short battleand I die. So I do what any other person on his alt does, goes get the main. Now I'm on Another, flying, looking for this lock. I decide, that if i don't findhim in a few minutes, I'll go do something else. So I fly, fly, fly, and I start to see deadmobs on the ground. I fly lower, and there he is, 70% health, perfect. I'm buffed and ready, fly down, dismount, drop 5 yards, few instant casts, I get dotted,gave him a blast wave and Cone of Cold, he's dead. Well I still got dots, probably around half health now.So I spit on him a few times, he hits his soul stone, stands up, refreshes his dots. Just about this time, I've mounted, and also started going straight up. Decision moment, do I jump down and kill him again, or fly away and have a nice day. He hits mewith drain life. My health being drained, I continue to go up. Wow, the range of that drain life spell.It finaly stops, I'm way up high, I die. Great. Those dots are great. My Darkmoon Nether Card procs.Another decision, do I hit the Nether button, fall, and die next to Lock, and have him laugh at me,or walk. No, I, hit the "Go to the graveyard button" and walk back. Now, when you die with your body way up in the air.You can't gat back there. So I walk back to the grave yard, pay the spirit rez.  

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Joined: January 3rd, 2007, 7:22 am

Moments to Cherish

Post by late1 » April 14th, 2007, 12:11 pm

That's the greatest story I've EVER heard!!!!!!  LMFAO!!!

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