Read This Before Applying

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
Posts: 3983
Joined: January 5th, 2007, 6:21 pm
Location: tbd

Read This Before Applying

Post by draven »

Forged Alliance is a raiding guild composed mostly of adults (21+). We do not exclude anyone based on age but that should be a guideline as to the level of maturity we expect from our guild mates. We're a fun loving group of friends and family who enjoy playing World of Warcraft.

Yes, we have an application process. If you are wondering why, the primary reason is to set expectations, both what we expect of you and what you can expect from us. Things tend to work out better when everyone knows what they are getting themselves into.

Our current needs are listed on the Home Page, Raider.IO, and WoW Progress. For general information and an overview of the guild you should read the About Us page.

A forum account is required to post your application. You can create an account by using the Register link or as part of the posting process. Due to an increase in spam some countermeasures are in place and your first post must be approved by a moderator before it is displayed on the forum. This is usually done within a day or so, and once you are approved your post will appear normally and you will be granted regular forum permissions.

To apply go to the appropriate thread below, Select All, Copy, start a New Topic in the Guild Applications forum with a subject that includes your character name, Paste the application, and answer all of the questions. Thanks!

Application for Raiders: Use this if you plan to raid. Please try to make sure the appropriate gear is reflected in the armory so that it can be reviewed. If you do not meet the Raider requirements you are still welcome to join the guild, but will not receive an invite to the Forged Alliance Raiders Community.

Application for Members / Non-Raiders: Use this if you don't intend to raid and you're just applying to be in the guild with your friends and / or hang around with yus.

If you have any issues creating a forum account or posting, please contact someone in game or email: