Wowzers - 70 Mage

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Wowzers - 70 Mage

Post by Oneofakind893 » August 19th, 2008, 7:53 pm

Name: Dan
IRL Age: 18
Character Name: Wowzers
Level: 70
Spec:  10/48/3.
Trade skills:  375 Spellfire Tailor/ 375 Enchanter
Heroic Keys: All
Karazhan Key? Yes
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)?     -I want to be able to raid with the Arcane tree since I currently have 2/5 T5 for the 2 set bonus. I have raided with this spec before and it worked amazing. If the spriests aren't available, I am always willing to raid as my current spec. Have you read and do you understand the "Before you apply -- READ THIS FIRST!!!" sticky post in this forum?     -Yes

What is your raid experience?     - 9/9 Karazhan, 6/6 SSC, 3/4 TK, 1/1 Mag, 6/6 ZA. I have know the encounters extremely well and will be a great asset instead of a liability. Any bosses I havent done I do the research and learn the encounters so I'm not left in the dark when it's time for progression.

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?     -My previous raiding guild was Element and it disbanded. Before that, I was in Kashmir and that also disbanded. The guild I am currently in (Predominance) is just some friends from the Kashmir guild that really don't PVE seriously and mainly PVP.

Does anyone in our guild know you?     -I know Dachinaman. How many alts do you have and is this your main?     -This mage is my main. I do have a few alts that arent 70 but I casually play them (55 Shaman and 40 Priest)

What are your play times?     -I come on around 5 server time and can raid anytime after that. What of our raid times would you be able to make?      -I would be able to make all of the raid times. Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?     -Absolutely. Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?     -I have spent tons of time gearing myself and getting the proper enchants/gems. I'm always looking for better ways to upgrade my gear and will take any advice that anybody has to offer me. What potion/elixir consumables will you bring to a raid (be specific)?     -I always bring Flasks of Pure Death and Superior Wizard Oil. Also, when the boss reaches roughly 10%, I use my Destrucion Potions. What food consumables will you bring to the raid (be specific)?     -I bring a stack of Blackend Basilisk to the raid to up my spellpower and spirit. What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid?     -A mage needs 164 spell hit to cap. My spell hit is 163, giving me a 98.9% chance of hitting a level 73 raid boss. What is your favorite boss fight and why?   What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?     -My favorite raid boss would have to be Vashj. It's a difficult fight that needs tons of concentration and knowledge of the fight in order to be useful. Phase 1 is simple enough with simple spread out and dps, but my favorite part is during her phase 2. I love the mechanics of the fight at this point, with the combination of the getting the Tainted Core and the constant attention needed on the spawning adds. I really enjoy this fight because not only is it fun, but because it's fast-paced and challenging. -            -Theres two bosses that I look forward to the most: Archimonde and Illidan. These bosses look challenging and I can't wait to encounter them. What boss mod do you use?     -Deadly Boss mod What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively? Anything you want to tell us?     -I'm a laid back person who goes to raids for the fun and the progression to see some end game content. I'm never going to fight over a piece of loot and would always rather progress than get a piece of gear. I know there are an abundance of mages but I will gladly work for my spot. Armory: ... &n=Wowzers         (Sorry for the no Int or Molten Shield self-buff)
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?     -I don't know if this is of the upmost importance but I did raid with Forged Alliance a few days ago. It was a smooth run in SSC on Leotheras and on Mag. Thanks for taking the time to read my app and I hope for a spot in the guild.

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Wowzers - 70 Mage

Post by Daghi » August 20th, 2008, 4:09 pm

Daghi, Crusher of Dreams first impressions: I like your style, and I don't say that too often on applications, lol. Unfortunately I'm not an officer, just some dude who posts on people's apps. Yeah, your app is pretty solid. We just have like 20 mages so i'm not sure how that's gunna work out. Benvolo or Kaitlenn (lol sp?) or someone should be along soon to give you the official word.

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Wowzers - 70 Mage

Post by Benvolo » August 20th, 2008, 5:36 pm

Yeah, you seem to be pretty on top of it.  I'll hit you up in game so we can chat.

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