Guild Server Transfer to Proudmoore

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Guild Server Transfer to Proudmoore

Post by draven »

greetings! for those not aware, after some debate we decided to server transfer the guild to proudmoore. the intent of this thread is to consolidate information on this subject.

1. why would you / we do such a thing?!?
the basic reasoning behind the transfer can be found here:

2. what happens to the original guild and do i have to transfer?
the original guild on azgaharadestrolord is effectively a brand new guild with all the same members, except the guild bank and all achievements and earned perks are gone. otherwise everything will be mostly the same, the guild will continue to exist, you do not have to transfer if you don't want to and are welcome to stay.

3. how much does a transfer cost?
the cost is $25 per character. obviously this is less than ideal, but blizzard seems to prefer the revenue stream generated from people getting frustrated with imbalanced / dying servers rather than fixing any actual issues. for those not aware, you can now convert wow tokens into your balance which can be used to pay for transfers, so if you have sufficient gold transferring is "free".

4. how do i transfer? ... r-Transfer
you can initiate the process in your account. when given the option, you should select:
"Yes, I’d like to do a Guild Master Realm Transfer and keep all my guild related benefits"
that should automatically add your character to the new guild upon transfer completion.

there are a few requirements for transferring, most notably there is a gold limit of 250k and you can't have any battle pet cages in you bags or bank.

5. other random information
  • unfortunately blizzard is apparently no longer freeing up character names by request so you may have to change yours :(
  • it is recommended that you make a copy of your wtf folder before transferring. it should be located at: [wow directory]/WTF/
    then you can copy over character settings from:
    WTF/Account/[account name]/[realm]/[character]/
    [wow directory]/WTF/Account/[account name]/Proudmoore/[character]/
    this will not work for everything, but will get you part of the way there. the timestamp on files makes a difference, so you may need to use a text editor and edit the file directly. i had to do so for macros and chat settings.
  • for any addon with a profile system (grid, tell me when, dbm, etc) it is probably easiest to go into the profile settings and copy the profile from your original realm.
  • if you are feeling ambitious, you should be able to directly edit the lua files to change or copy character settings between realms.
if you have any questions, please let me know. thanks!