Forged Alliance in Legion

guild news, policies, and raid information
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Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » August 30th, 2016, 2:00 am

greetings! welcome to legion! i hope everyone has fun leveling and exploring the new content. this thread will contain general information about guild policies and their evolution throughout legion. it will be updated whenever appropriate.

as is the case at the beginning of every expansion, ranks have been reset. almost everyone that is active should be ranked as member. if you are returning to the game and are ranked as inactive, please request a promotion from an officer. the requirements for raider rank are tbd but will be updated shortly, the minimum ilvl for raider rank will likely be 835ish. the raider rank guild event on the guild calendar will return september 19th so that people can request promotions.

raiding will resume on september 20th in the emerald nightmare. if you are interested in raiding, please complete the updated version of the raider survey which can be found here: legion raid survey
it will be used to determine raiding interests and get a general idea of group composition. you must have a forum account and be logged to complete it.

please read the instructions and fill out the survey accordingly. you can not edit your response once you submit it so make sure your answers are complete and correct. if necessary, you can delete your response but you'll have to fill everything out again. disclaimer: the survey was originally built relatively quickly and was hacked for legion and therefore may or may not have issues. if you get an error or something weird is happening or have any questions, please let me know.

that is all for now, as always please feel free to post any questions / comments / suggestions / issues / whatever. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » September 13th, 2016, 9:55 am

greetings! i hope everyone had fun leveling and exploring the new content. i've a few updates as we approach our theoretical first week of raiding in legion.

the raider rank requirements have been updated with my best guesses at the moment. the raider rank event has returned to the calendar on sunday 9/18. if you are interested in raiding, please review the requirements and sign up for the event. i will be lenient on the requirements for now, as i don't want to prevent people from raiding due to an arbitrary list, but i also have no interest in carrying people so please try to be prepared.

if you have not done so yet, please complete the legion raid survey. more information on the survey is in the first post. based on the current responses to the survey we will continue with the same raid schedule as wod and possibly add a third progression raid night on monday. if there is not enough interest in a third progression night then we can try to resurrect the casual raid. raid events for next week will not be created until after i've reviewed the raider rank event.

consider yourself warned that it is likely that i will continue my stubbornness pertaining to raid difficulties and therefore we will probably start with heroic mode to see how it goes. depending on the outcome of that experiment, we may or may not switch to normal mode. i apologize in advance for any frustration this may cause.

that is all for now. if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / issues / whatever, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » September 19th, 2016, 1:00 am

greetings! i've a few updates as we prepare to resume raiding in the emerald nightmare this week.

ranks have been updated for those that signed up for the raider rank calendar event. for the most part things looked pretty good, and where they did not i'm assuming that the armory is outdated. i will re-check again monday night to see if things have been updated. i am not being particularly strict about things yet so don't worry about neck / cloak enchants, but please try to at least have the cheap (word of whatever) ring enchants and uncommon (green) gems in any sockets.

raid events are on the calendar for tuesday, thursday, and monday this week for those that were promoted. please sign up on the days you are interested in and available to raid. i will try to have flasks in the guild bank by tuesday, but feasts are not likely to be available unless someone else has them since i haven't figured out cooking yet. i intend to start with heroic nythendra tuesday to see how it goes. depending on the results we may or may not switch to normal mode. everyone put mythic for their raid preference on the survey so i'm assuming everyone is up for a challenge and shall proceed accordingly, although hopefully with somewhat less stubbornness than in the past.

the raider requirements will be updated based on the outcome of this weeks raids and everyone will be reviewed again next week. the raider rank event will continue each week for those that are interested in raiding. if you've already signed up and been promoted to raider you don't need to sign up again. also, please don't sign up on an alt, you will not be promoted as you should be focusing on one character for now.

i think that's it for now. if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » October 3rd, 2016, 1:01 am

greetings! i've a few more updates now that we've had a couple weeks to play around in the emerald nightmare.

the results of the raider rank event this week were pretty good for the most part, if you are listed with any issues please try to sort them out before the raids this week. the ilvl requirement has been increased to 850ish for next week as i think that will be the minimum required for heroic cenarius and xavius. everyone will be reviewed again, if you are having trouble reaching that ilvl mythic+ dungeons are probably your best source of gear to get you there.

we've started a second raid group led by ofie and tsuni. raid times for that group are wednesday and monday 8pm - 11pm pacific (10pm - 1am server). if you are interested in participating in that group or have any questions about it, please talk to ofie or tsuni or post on the forums.

i've had a few questions / requests about switching main characters for various reasons. this is fine in the short term as long as it doesn't significantly affect group compositions, but as i've said previously i expect people to focus one character for now due to the grind involved in getting a character raid ready and the effort required to maintain multiple characters. you are also potentially wasting gear that could have gone to someone else, which is why as a general rule i prefer that people switch characters between raid tiers so that doing so doesn't affect progression. that said, if you would like to switch characters please let me know so i can plan accordingly.

also on the subject of alts, i recommend that people work on a gathering alt, more specifically an herbalist. most raid consumables require herbs and it does not appear that the auction house will be affordable anytime soon, so you should be capable of farming your own materials. if nothing else, we can have seed planting parties so that everyone can benefit from each others seeds. also on this subject, you should utilize the guild profession tool and your guildmates for things that you require. i haven't gotten my army of alts going yet, but i can make flasks and potions on my rogue if you send me the required materials.

finally, i've a reminder about the calendar invites for my raid group and how i use them to organize things. you will only receive a calendar invite if you meet the raider rank requirements. if you do not accept the invite, i assume you have declined. if you set yourself as tentative and do not update your status within 10ish minutes of the raid, i assume you have declined and will set your status to standby. the group composition is then set based on those that have accepted the invite. for the most part, everyone that has accepted the invite will be confirmed for the raid, but that will not always be the case depending on what we're working on and your performance in previous raids. also somewhat related, if you message me in game just prior to or during a raid, chances are good that i will not see your message or will ignore it because i'm too busy doing other things, so my apologies for that.

that is all for now, if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » November 14th, 2016, 3:12 pm

greetings! i've a quick update on raider rank requirements. with our progression into mythic emerald nightmare and heroic trial of valor, the ilvl requirement has been increased to 860ish. anyone that has been raiding relatively consistently shouldn't have issues meeting this. the new requirements will be enforced next week, those already ranked as raider will be automatically reviewed so you don't need to sign up for the calendar event.

in addition to ilvl, everyone needs to be able to execute mechanics properly while maintaining a high level of output. for example mythic ursoc requires an increasing level of healing output and ~300k dps, which we were not close to last week. at the moment we have more people than we have room for in a 20 person mythic group. this allows for competition, which means that everyone will need to prove themselves capable of meeting encounter requirements to earn a spot.

that is all for now, if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » January 2nd, 2017, 10:27 pm

greetings! i've a quick update as we enter the new year. with the combined effect of the holidays and the typical post-launch decline in interest, our ability to raid mythic has disappeared. i do not expect to have enough people for mythic anytime soon, unless blizzard allows cross realm mythic groups again and / or fixes realm population issues, or someone with the time to do so puts a lot of effort into recruiting. therefore my plan is to continue running heroic mode when we have enough people to do so. nighthold will be available in a few weeks, and in the meantime we can farm emerald nightmare and maybe make some progress in trial of valor.

that is all for now, if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » January 22nd, 2017, 11:22 pm

greetings! as we get started in the nighthold i've another quick update that the raider rank requirements have been updated and the ilvl requirement is now 870ish. this shouldn't be an issue for anyone that has been playing relatively consistently. also, depending on how things go with heroic nighthold this week we may or may not check out normal mode depending on what everyone wants to do.

that is all for now, if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever, please let me know. thanks!

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Re: Forged Alliance in Legion

Post by draven » June 24th, 2017, 4:30 pm

greetings! i've been slackering on updating this thread as well, but i want to provide a summary of recent guild events.

the biggest news is that some of us have transferred to proudmoore with the hope of re-establishing ourselves in a more friendly environment:

this effectively divides the guild, but i'm curious to see how things work out as far as building the new guild on proudmoore, as well as what happens to the old guild on azgaharadestrolord. along those lines, guild leadership for both guilds is something that needs to be sorted out, a thread on that subject can be found here:

tomb of sargeras has arrived and we did pretty well on our first night. a new raid means that the raider rank requirements have been updated. the ilvl requirement is now 900ish, but this shouldn't be an issue for anyone that has been raiding relatively consistently. i'm hoping that we can get through heroic mode at a reasonable rate and get back to mythic fun times at some point. that may or may not require some normal mode shenanigans, but we'll see how that goes.

also, if there is interest we can add another raid night, most likely monday, for farming nighthold for gear, and trial of valor and emerald nightmare for artifact power. i'll add an invite to the guild calendar, appropriately geared alts are welcome.

that is all for now, if you've any questions / comments / suggestions / whatever, please let me know. thanks!


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