Lunaraes - Guild Raider Application

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Joined: May 16th, 2021, 10:41 am

Lunaraes - Guild Raider Application

Post by Lunaraes »

Name (first name only): Amanda
Age: 41
Character Name: Lunaraes
Realm: Proudmoore
Class: Warrior
Level: 60
Main Spec: Arms
Off Spec(s): Protection (haven't tank raids), open to learn.

Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying: Yes
- Raiding and Rosters: Yes

Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? Number 2
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:

Please link your armory profile: ... e/lunaraes

What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.

Mained holy priest, raided during WotLK to MoP xpacs.
Character: Khris / Madoran server: ... /pve/raids

SL 10/10 Normal CN, 10/10 Heroic CN (Lunaraes).

Legion and BFA xpacs: unsubbed

WoD: Ended WoW sub at start of xpac.
MoP: Guild died and utilized LFR to see content.
CATA: Completed some raid content Normal mode.
WofLK: Raided all content. Notably 12/12 Normal ICC, 10/12 Heroic ICC
BC: Introduced to raiding.

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?

I recently faction changed back to Alliance and transferred to Proudmoore to gain access to a larger pool of Alliance players. I joined a guild I'm currently with that I found on the server forum that was recruiting, and I wasn't made aware the raid start time changed from 7 pm PST to 6 pm PST until I joined. Being a single parent to young child my schedule is set with routine, and I don't like being late for anything.

How did you find our guild?

WoW Proudmoore realm forum, recruitment post.

What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?

I use Ask Mr.Robot.

Cloak: Fortified Avoidance – I could use any of the cloak enchants available according to Ask Mr. Robot. I chose Increase Stamina by 20 and Avoidance by 30 (being melee), and warrior has great mobility.

Ring (x2): +16 Critical Strike. I chose critical strike enchants for both rings over haste as I'm capped on haste according to Ask Mr. Robot.

I've enchanted all of my available gear.

What consumables do you use during raids?

Food: Spinefin Souffle and Fries – gain 30 Critical Strike when Feast of Gluttonous Hedonism isn't available.
Flask: Spectral Flask of Power - gain 70 in a stat (strength) for 1 hour.
Sharpening stone.
Battle Potion of Strength: increase burst damage on one or more target(s).

What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?

Bigwigs/littlewigs, ElviUI, Weakaura, GTFO, Details Damage Meter, Raider.IO, Simulationcraft and Warcraft logs.

Is there anything else you want to tell us?

Forged Alliance raid start time is perfect and I prefer raiding late into the night. I work full-time, I'm a single parent and late night game play is my sandbox. I have a good sense of humor and enjoy human connection, I'm reliable, responsible and a team player – sounds cliche but it's true.

I returned to WoW, pre-Shadowlands launch and changed my main from holy priest to arms warrior. I'm proactive to improve through simming, reading and viewing content from reliable sources, I'm a member of Warrior Discord and once I got past the noise, it really helped me with questions I had about the class. I research boss strats, use keybinds, macros, weak auras and learned how to read Logs. I love to raid and currently working toward season 1 KSM. I'm open minded to stepping into mythic raiding.

I enjoy farming content and I'm excited about 9.1 and moving forward with a team to tackle current content and to have fun.

Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?

Google docs if possible.
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Re: Lunaraes - Guild Raider Application

Post by draven »

greetings, thanks for the app! everything looks good to me.
Lunaraes wrote: May 16th, 2021, 11:35 am Google docs if possible.
thanks for the suggestion! out of curiosity would you prefer a more form oriented application? or would you prefer to be able to use a google account to login? or both?

anywho, track someone down online and we can get you a guild invite. the easiest way of doing so is probably our forged alliance community, more info on that is here:

i also added you to the calendar raid events for this week.
Posts: 2
Joined: May 16th, 2021, 10:41 am

Re: Lunaraes - Guild Raider Application

Post by Lunaraes »

Hi Draven!

Great news and thank you for your quick reply.

Prefer Google account to login, it's secure and used on a variety of platforms. I'm also being biased as I use Google docs at work to record data that captures valuable information for management. The program is customizable for what ever you need it for and links can be made secured and shared with password login.

I'll be logging into the game this evening and joining the Forged Alliance United Community and go from there.

Thank you again for the opportunity to be part of the team!

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