Application: Belrythe
Posted: July 12th, 2019, 2:37 pm
Name (first name only): Kaley
Age: 28
Character Name: Belrythe
Realm: Moon Guard
Class: DH
Level: 120 / ilvl 412
Main Spec: Veng
Off Spec(s): Havoc
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- Raiding and Rosters
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals?
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:
2 and 5. Currently, I am looking to raid definitely on Thursdays. Tuesdays will be hit or miss at this point in time due to work, school and family needs. I hope in the near future this is able to change, but unfortunately, its very difficult to find a raiding guild that DOESN'T raid on Tuesdays. If you aren't flexible on Tuesday, I suppose I could join as a member until such a time I can make it consistently.
Please link your armory profile: ... d/belrythe
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
Haven't started raiding EP yet T-T
BoDa: 8/9H, 1/9M
CoS: 2/2N (I disliked this place greatly)
Been seriously raiding since Legion, casually since Cata. I mainly tank but I function well as dps as well. I listen to call outs, don't give attitude and don't stand in poop.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Currently, my guild on MG is dying. Everyone is moving to another guild on the same server, however, due to my recent move to the west coast, I could not follow them as that would mean I would be raiding at 5pm server. This would be too early for me. I hate to have to leave them, as we've been raiding together since EN in Legion and have become close. They are the only reason I even stayed on MG. I have been wanting to leave for a long time to find a more raid-oriented server. I don't and have never RPed (Or ERPed) and I only stayed on MG because it was my first server back in WotLK and some of my family followed me there. Then I made some friends there and the rest is history.
How did you find our guild?
Wow-progress. Searching for a guild that would best fit my raiding schedule and personality.
What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
Priority is Agil>haste>verse and currently, my weapons are Versatile/Quick navigation and I have 1 ring of each +40. I use Simcraft/Raidbots to see which of these stats I should be balancing. Any gem sockets I get, I keep whichever of those stats is in need of boosting at the time.
What consumables do you use during raids?
Battle potion of agility (pre-pot and generally one with lust), Flask of the Currents (agility) and I usually bring both haste and vers food with me just in case we don't use feasts. I don't use the stam flasks as a tank because I find the boost from agil to be more beneficial.
What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?
DBM, Weak auras, Skada
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
If everything looks good, I get accepted and pass the trials, I would be also be bringing an equally capable Resto druid main with me. I don't currently know her stats. She also won't be able to come on Tuesdays either (she is occupied for the same reason I am) but would also prove a valuable addition to the guild and the raid team. I would love to get into the mythic raiding scene (minus the elitist jerk-face mentality) and I know I'd excel in it, but my schedule is difficult at the moment.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
Nope! Pretty straight-forward.
Age: 28
Character Name: Belrythe
Realm: Moon Guard
Class: DH
Level: 120 / ilvl 412
Main Spec: Veng
Off Spec(s): Havoc
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- Raiding and Rosters
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals?
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:
2 and 5. Currently, I am looking to raid definitely on Thursdays. Tuesdays will be hit or miss at this point in time due to work, school and family needs. I hope in the near future this is able to change, but unfortunately, its very difficult to find a raiding guild that DOESN'T raid on Tuesdays. If you aren't flexible on Tuesday, I suppose I could join as a member until such a time I can make it consistently.
Please link your armory profile: ... d/belrythe
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
Haven't started raiding EP yet T-T
BoDa: 8/9H, 1/9M
CoS: 2/2N (I disliked this place greatly)
Been seriously raiding since Legion, casually since Cata. I mainly tank but I function well as dps as well. I listen to call outs, don't give attitude and don't stand in poop.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Currently, my guild on MG is dying. Everyone is moving to another guild on the same server, however, due to my recent move to the west coast, I could not follow them as that would mean I would be raiding at 5pm server. This would be too early for me. I hate to have to leave them, as we've been raiding together since EN in Legion and have become close. They are the only reason I even stayed on MG. I have been wanting to leave for a long time to find a more raid-oriented server. I don't and have never RPed (Or ERPed) and I only stayed on MG because it was my first server back in WotLK and some of my family followed me there. Then I made some friends there and the rest is history.
How did you find our guild?
Wow-progress. Searching for a guild that would best fit my raiding schedule and personality.
What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
Priority is Agil>haste>verse and currently, my weapons are Versatile/Quick navigation and I have 1 ring of each +40. I use Simcraft/Raidbots to see which of these stats I should be balancing. Any gem sockets I get, I keep whichever of those stats is in need of boosting at the time.
What consumables do you use during raids?
Battle potion of agility (pre-pot and generally one with lust), Flask of the Currents (agility) and I usually bring both haste and vers food with me just in case we don't use feasts. I don't use the stam flasks as a tank because I find the boost from agil to be more beneficial.
What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?
DBM, Weak auras, Skada
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
If everything looks good, I get accepted and pass the trials, I would be also be bringing an equally capable Resto druid main with me. I don't currently know her stats. She also won't be able to come on Tuesdays either (she is occupied for the same reason I am) but would also prove a valuable addition to the guild and the raid team. I would love to get into the mythic raiding scene (minus the elitist jerk-face mentality) and I know I'd excel in it, but my schedule is difficult at the moment.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
Nope! Pretty straight-forward.