Application: Nemus
Posted: June 19th, 2019, 10:52 am
Name (first name only): Alex (often go by Durk)
Age: 26
Character Name: Nemus
Realm: Echo Isles
Class: Druid
Level: 120, 389i, 47a
Main Spec: Restoration
Off Spec(s): Nope
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- Raiding and Rosters
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals?
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:
Right Now: 2
With More Exp: 3
Please link your armory profile: ... sles/nemus
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
Some LFR
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I've never been in a real guild (I'm currently in my housemate's bank guild)
How did you find our guild?
What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
Raids: Haste>Mastery>Crit>Vers
M+: Mastery>Haste>Crit>Vers
I try not to waste expensive enchants and gems on gear that will be replaced quickly, but my housemate can make both so they're relatively easy to obtain.
What consumables do you use during raids?
Right now, Sailor's Pie because my Mastery is too low, but will switch to Swamp Fish n' Chips.
Runes and Endless Fathoms will be used for anything better than LFR
Mana Biscuits, Healthstones, more food if necessary
What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?
Weak Auras
Elvui for frames
Anything you want me to use
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
I only started playing about two months ago, and reached 120 about two weeks ago. I'm researching all the current dungeons and raids and writing up notes for myself, and have already cleared a few +7s and +8s. I'm hoping to finish Pathfinder 1 tomorrow or Friday, and clear my first +10 before the end of the week.
I often play with my housemate, who mains a Resto/Balance Druid and has been playing since Vanilla. His iLvl is 396, he has done Heroic raids, and he is also looking for a guild since he can't usually make his own guild's raid times (he isn't free until 6:30pm Pacific). I have been watching him play for a year and a half now, and when we LFR together I range between 80-110% of his Healing done. He would likely apply too if I join and he likes what he sees.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
Not that I can think of, except maybe asking about alt statuses and other commitments? I don't have any guild experience, so I'm both curious and cautious about how I'm approaching the process. So far I'm loving dungeons, raids and pet battles, and am hoping Forged Alliance will make doing more and harder raids a possibility. Right now for example, CoS is literally impossible in LFR, because there is always someone who doesn't see the bubble (and that's after a tank or healer bails as we engage). Anyway, I'm excited to hear back from you!
Age: 26
Character Name: Nemus
Realm: Echo Isles
Class: Druid
Level: 120, 389i, 47a
Main Spec: Restoration
Off Spec(s): Nope
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- Raiding and Rosters
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals?
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:
Right Now: 2
With More Exp: 3
Please link your armory profile: ... sles/nemus
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
Some LFR
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I've never been in a real guild (I'm currently in my housemate's bank guild)
How did you find our guild?
What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
Raids: Haste>Mastery>Crit>Vers
M+: Mastery>Haste>Crit>Vers
I try not to waste expensive enchants and gems on gear that will be replaced quickly, but my housemate can make both so they're relatively easy to obtain.
What consumables do you use during raids?
Right now, Sailor's Pie because my Mastery is too low, but will switch to Swamp Fish n' Chips.
Runes and Endless Fathoms will be used for anything better than LFR
Mana Biscuits, Healthstones, more food if necessary
What boss mod(s) / addons do you use?
Weak Auras
Elvui for frames
Anything you want me to use
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
I only started playing about two months ago, and reached 120 about two weeks ago. I'm researching all the current dungeons and raids and writing up notes for myself, and have already cleared a few +7s and +8s. I'm hoping to finish Pathfinder 1 tomorrow or Friday, and clear my first +10 before the end of the week.
I often play with my housemate, who mains a Resto/Balance Druid and has been playing since Vanilla. His iLvl is 396, he has done Heroic raids, and he is also looking for a guild since he can't usually make his own guild's raid times (he isn't free until 6:30pm Pacific). I have been watching him play for a year and a half now, and when we LFR together I range between 80-110% of his Healing done. He would likely apply too if I join and he likes what he sees.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
Not that I can think of, except maybe asking about alt statuses and other commitments? I don't have any guild experience, so I'm both curious and cautious about how I'm approaching the process. So far I'm loving dungeons, raids and pet battles, and am hoping Forged Alliance will make doing more and harder raids a possibility. Right now for example, CoS is literally impossible in LFR, because there is always someone who doesn't see the bubble (and that's after a tank or healer bails as we engage). Anyway, I'm excited to hear back from you!