Forged Alliance United Community

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Posts: 4020
Joined: January 5th, 2007, 6:21 pm
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Forged Alliance United Community

Post by draven »

greetings! i've created an in game community that will hopefully allow us to reunite the guild as best as possible, as well as be able to hang out with other wow friends.
the invite code is: 5Ebo2pnHKB
more information about how to join the community can be found here: ... n=Alliance

this community will hopefully also be useful for those outside of the guild looking to raid or run mythic+ with us.

there should be a "add to chat window" option that allows you to add the channel to your chat windows. i've noticed that chat settings are sometimes reset after a disconnect so you may want to check those settings periodically to make sure you don't miss out on the spam. an alternative more complicated option for fixing chat settings is below

if you have any questions please let me know. thanks!
Posts: 4020
Joined: January 5th, 2007, 6:21 pm
Location: tbd

Re: Forged Alliance United Community

Post by draven »

greetings! i've a random tip for those that are having issues with the community chat channel showing up properly, which tends to happen during game / server crashes.

the easy way to fix things is apparently to run:

Code: Select all

however, i've customized my chat settings quite a bit so i've always been too scared to run that particular command.

the less easy way is to directly edit the chat settings file for the character you are having issues with, which should be located in your wow folder here:

Code: Select all

World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\[account_name]\[realm]\[character]\chat-cache.txt
you will need to use a text editor that properly handles line endings, such as notepad++ or atom.

i was able to compare two different characters and find the correct settings in the CHANNELS section at the top of that file:

Code: Select all

General 0 1 0
Trade 0 2 0
LocalDefense 0 3 0
LookingForGroup 0 4 0
Community:345353511:1 0 8 1
in the chat-cache.txt file for the character that was missing the channel, i had to manually add:

Code: Select all

Community:345353511:1 0 8 1
for me that made the community channel available again as /8. i think that is all that is required, but if you have configured multiple chat windows you may also need to update the settings further down in the file, each window should have its own CHANNELS section.

hopefully this is helpful, if not only for me when it happens again. if you have any questions, please let me know.