Guild application for SkyeLucero
Posted: December 20th, 2017, 3:49 pm
Name: Skye
Character Name: SkyeLucero
Realm: Proudmoore
Class: Monk Mistweaver/Preist Holy
Have you read and understand the following posts? I have yes
- Read This Before Applying
- About Us
Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Member rank and should not expect to be invited to raids?
I understand completely
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Iv been a lone wolf for awhile doing mplus and pugging mostly but would really enjoy a guild
How did you find our guild?
I found your guild on wowProgress
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Legion Guild Application
About You!
Name: Skye Lucero
Char: SkyeLucero
Class: Monk
Spec: DPS/Healer I prefer to heal
I have been playing WoW Since the end of Mop, I Spend a lot of my time trying to better myself and pushing my limits and doing things that make me uncomfortable to Build on what I already know. I really enjoy mythic plus.
Previous Guilds: During Wod i had joined a raiding guild but only was in it for around a night was not something at the time I had enjoyed and I did not know as much as I know now
Do you know any players in the guild? No sorry, I don't.
Are you applying to other guilds currently? Yes, I’m very focused on Running high mythic plus/raid secondly in Legion and want to sort that out. I will say I have checked your guilds requirements and it looks like a great place.
Previous Bosses killed: Just to get a chance at the felhounds mount I Hopped into normal Antorus on my Priest healer and we downed up to Portal queen Chick, Left after the grouped agreed we could not down it, Should add it was a pug group out of the random.
Favourite Encounter: I have not found one yet I enjoy being a team player whatever that requires within reason.
What bosses have you found the most challenging? I find bosses that Leave you very little room to make a mistake Example first boss mythic halls of valor think the ability is called storm drakes. Anyways they sometimes happen one after the other within a second of the last I find that fairly hard as its a huge health lost if you get hit by it and can result in an instant wipe for the group. PS.Working Hard to not tunnel vision on health bars and pay attention to the drakes on the side.
Do you have a working headset and Mic? Absolutely, I have no issue speaking up but I’m not a chat spammer by any means.
What do you find the most rewarding in-game? Honestly, I find Learning new tricks and things to improve In my gameplay most rewarding when they pay off in a big way as well as pushing the content you can do and working your way up to harder and harder things always pushing what you think you're capable of.
What do you find the most frustrating? Honestly, I find people who are bad at the game who don't strive to improve in blame it on 'its just a game' I'm in the mindset of if I'm going to put time into something I want to be the best I can be and then some.
About your character
Have you ever swapped mains - I have Iv played priest and monk most of my wow career but messed around with shamen a little bit for mostly monk and priest have been my mains As of now My monk is my main and plan to keep it that way.
About your computer
Specs - i7 7700k air-cooled 1080 1tb harddrive lol those should be the only relevant specs tbh
Internet connection - Its pretty good
Do you click anything? - ....FUCK NO LOL my UI I like it minimalistic.
Other Stuff:
Attendance - I play a lot whatever is required I more can do it.
Any other comments - I have been looking at your raid logs, you seem very stable which is something I am looking for. I don’t want to fall into the trap of joining collapsing guilds as I hear about so often and from what I can tell, this looks like the place for me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, Skye
Character Name: SkyeLucero
Realm: Proudmoore
Class: Monk Mistweaver/Preist Holy
Have you read and understand the following posts? I have yes
- Read This Before Applying
- About Us
Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Member rank and should not expect to be invited to raids?
I understand completely
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Iv been a lone wolf for awhile doing mplus and pugging mostly but would really enjoy a guild
How did you find our guild?
I found your guild on wowProgress
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Legion Guild Application
About You!
Name: Skye Lucero
Char: SkyeLucero
Class: Monk
Spec: DPS/Healer I prefer to heal
I have been playing WoW Since the end of Mop, I Spend a lot of my time trying to better myself and pushing my limits and doing things that make me uncomfortable to Build on what I already know. I really enjoy mythic plus.
Previous Guilds: During Wod i had joined a raiding guild but only was in it for around a night was not something at the time I had enjoyed and I did not know as much as I know now
Do you know any players in the guild? No sorry, I don't.
Are you applying to other guilds currently? Yes, I’m very focused on Running high mythic plus/raid secondly in Legion and want to sort that out. I will say I have checked your guilds requirements and it looks like a great place.
Previous Bosses killed: Just to get a chance at the felhounds mount I Hopped into normal Antorus on my Priest healer and we downed up to Portal queen Chick, Left after the grouped agreed we could not down it, Should add it was a pug group out of the random.
Favourite Encounter: I have not found one yet I enjoy being a team player whatever that requires within reason.
What bosses have you found the most challenging? I find bosses that Leave you very little room to make a mistake Example first boss mythic halls of valor think the ability is called storm drakes. Anyways they sometimes happen one after the other within a second of the last I find that fairly hard as its a huge health lost if you get hit by it and can result in an instant wipe for the group. PS.Working Hard to not tunnel vision on health bars and pay attention to the drakes on the side.
Do you have a working headset and Mic? Absolutely, I have no issue speaking up but I’m not a chat spammer by any means.
What do you find the most rewarding in-game? Honestly, I find Learning new tricks and things to improve In my gameplay most rewarding when they pay off in a big way as well as pushing the content you can do and working your way up to harder and harder things always pushing what you think you're capable of.
What do you find the most frustrating? Honestly, I find people who are bad at the game who don't strive to improve in blame it on 'its just a game' I'm in the mindset of if I'm going to put time into something I want to be the best I can be and then some.
About your character
Have you ever swapped mains - I have Iv played priest and monk most of my wow career but messed around with shamen a little bit for mostly monk and priest have been my mains As of now My monk is my main and plan to keep it that way.
About your computer
Specs - i7 7700k air-cooled 1080 1tb harddrive lol those should be the only relevant specs tbh
Internet connection - Its pretty good
Do you click anything? - ....FUCK NO LOL my UI I like it minimalistic.
Other Stuff:
Attendance - I play a lot whatever is required I more can do it.
Any other comments - I have been looking at your raid logs, you seem very stable which is something I am looking for. I don’t want to fall into the trap of joining collapsing guilds as I hear about so often and from what I can tell, this looks like the place for me.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, Skye