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Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 10:15 pm
by Inori
Nothing - mwahahaha.

Legs - Garrosh.
Finger x2 - Galakras, Shaman, Thok.
Trinket x2 - Protectors (has normal), Malkorok (has normal).

Trinket - Malkorok.

Waist - Galakras, Garrosh.
Feet - Immerseus, Norushen, Malkorok.
Finger - Immerseus, Juggernaut, Malkorok.

Finger - Juggernaut, Malkorok, Thok.

Heffahooves (may be stale wowprogress data):
Tier Hands?
Trinket x2 - Pride, Nazgrim.
Weapon - Shaman, Garrosh (for 1H); Pride, Galakras, Blackfuse (for 2H).

Neck - Pride, Spoils.
Tier Chest?
Waist - Norushen, Garrosh.
Feet - Galakras, Nazgrim.
Finger - Immerseus, Juggernaut, Thok.
Trinket x2 - Pride (has normal), Nazgrim.
Weapon - Already has heroic 1H off Shaman; Pride, Galakras, Blackfuse (for 2H).
Off-hand - Protectors, Juggernaut, Garrosh.

Neck - Juggernaut, Malkorok.
Legs - Malkorok, Garrosh.
Finger - Shaman, Spoils, Thok, Blackfuse.
Trinket - Thok (has normal).

Neck - Juggernaut, Malkorok.
Tier Chest?
Legs - Malkorok, Garrosh.
Trinket - Thok (has normal).

Wrist - Juggernaut, Spoils, Blackfuse (has warforged normal).
Trinket - Shaman, Blackfuse (has warforged normal).

Nothing - also mwahahahaha.

Neck - Norushen, Shaman.
Tier Chest?
Waist - Juggernaut, Malkorok.
Finger x2 - Protectors, Galakras, Thok, Paragons.
Trinket - Immerseus (has normal).
Weapon - Nazgrim, Spoils, Paragons (for 1H); Pride, Blackfuse (for 2H).
Off-hand - Juggernaut, Thok, Garrosh.

Nothing - also mwahahahaha.

Neck - Immerseus, Thok.
Wrist - Juggernaut, Spoils, Blackfuse.
Tier Hands.
Waist - Shaman, Garrosh.
Finger - Norushen, Malkorok, Paragons.
Trinket x2 - Pride (has normal), Shaman, Blackfuse (has normal).


Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 11:00 pm
by Inori
In the above post, I did not flag tier helm, tier shoulders, or tier legs since these are on the progression bosses (Thok, Blackfuse, Paragons). I also ignored unpopular trinkets (e.g., the cleave trinkets). Note that while players may still need better in slot items off bosses, those were not flagged because a shuffling around of secondary stats on an armor piece isn't going to make or break the raid's progression. If you think that a better in slot item should be flagged, be sure to post a reply and justification (e.g., I really should use a 1H weapon for my racial expertise bonus). On to the analysis.

There are four people that need five gear slots on this boss (Iberlinal, Michee, Yummys, and Idravenl). Yummys has the normal version of the caster DPS trinket, so the absence of the heroic version is somewhat mitigated. Iberlinal, Michee, and Idravenl can obtain their armor pieces off later bosses such as Malkorok and Thok.

Fallen Protectors:
There are four people that need four gear slots on this boss (Phaul, Michee, Yummys, and Ryzuken). Ryzuken needs a weapon, but an alternative is available off Malkorok. Phaul has the normal version of the tanking trinket, so the absence of the heroic version is somewhat mitigated. Michee already has a heroic 1H weapon; she needs an off-hand which is only available on this boss and Juggernaut (Garrosh doesn't count). Yummys needs two rings of which only three are currently obtainable (Protectors, Galakras, Thok).

There are four people that need four gear slots on this boss (Iberlinal, Michee, Yummys, and Idravenl). This is the only cloth healer waist besides Garrosh for Michee. Iberlinal, Yummys, and Idravenl can obtain their armor pieces off later bosses such as Shaman and Malkorok.

Sha of Pride:
Three people may still need tier chest off this boss (Michee and Yummys possibly; probably not Crusher). Michee and Heffahooves both need the healer trinket; Michee has the normal version, but Heffahooves has a Timeless Isle trinket. Idravenl has the normal version of the agility trinket. Heffahooves, Michee, and Yummys could all probably use the caster staff off this boss as well.

Six people could still use items off this boss. This is the only leather healing waist besides Garrosh for Iberlinal. Michee, Heffahooves, and Ryzuken could all probably use weapons off this boss as well. These are the only healer feet for Michee besides Nazgrim.

Iron Juggernaut:
Eight people could still use items off this boss. Michee already has a heroic 1H weapon; she needs an off-hand which is only available on this boss and Protectors (Garrosh doesn't count).

Kor'kron Dark Shaman:
Eight people could still use items off this boss. This is the only 1H weapon for Heffahooves besides Garrosh (he already has the heroic shield for off-hand). This is the only leather DPS waist besides Garrosh for Velis and Idravenl. This is the only agility trinket for Velis, Ryzuken, and Idravenl besides Blackfuse. This is the only caster neck for Yummys besides Norushen.

General Nazgrim:
Three people may still need tier hands off this boss (Idravenl and Heffahooves possibly; probably not Shaklin). Michee and Heffahooves both need the healer trinket. These are the only healer feet for Michee besides Galakras. Yummys could also use the caster sword off this boss.

That's the analysis for the front eight. In terms of skipping bosses, Immerseus, Protectors, and Norushen have only a single hard item for a single player each. Once those three items are obtained, it would be reasonable to just have the other people with needs settle for items off later accessible bosses. Even though trinkets are the only hard requirement for Pride (healer stat amp trinkets for Michee and Heffahooves, agility DPS for Idravenl), the presence of tier tokens and weapons make this an efficient boss for farming still.


Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: May 29th, 2014, 11:46 pm
by Inori
Edited to reflect that Michee already has the heroic 1H mace off Shaman. Note that Yummys would be the prime beneficiary of the DPS caster staff off Pride. If the healer staff drops on Galakras, Heffahooves or Michee could use it -- since Michee already has a heroic 1H + normal off-hand, the biggest boost would be to Heffahooves who is using a normal 1H + heroic off-hand (due to the spell power). Then again, if they've already sunk 16 valor ilvls into the normal pieces, then it sorta becomes a wash.


Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: June 3rd, 2014, 7:56 pm
by Shaklin
I have the tier hands token sitting in my bags. So all I care about is the trinket from Malkorok.

Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 9:54 pm
by Inori
Updated since Alan got the belt off shamans and believes that his warforged normal BiS bracers + trinket are comparable/better than heroic non-BiS bracers/trinket.


Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: June 10th, 2014, 9:56 pm
by Inori
Updated since Ryzuken filled all his gear slots.


Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: July 15th, 2014, 12:21 am
by Yummys
I didn't know if I was suppose to update my gear here, but I got the ring from gala, neck from shamans, and my trinket from immer now =) YAY!!!

Re: Heroic Gear Audit 5/29/14

Posted: July 15th, 2014, 1:08 am
by Inori
Heroic warforged, nice. I don't really plan to update this since Jeff already reached the conclusion that we should just work on Blackfuse.