Raider Application
Posted: December 5th, 2013, 2:34 am
Name: Daniel
Age: 20
Character Name: Zanzulfanten
Class: Paladin
Level: 90
Main Spec: Protection
Off Spec: Retribution
Trade skills: 600 Engineering / 600 Enchanting
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- Ranks
- About Us
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? The rest of your application will be judged based on the answer to this question.
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal mode group and maybe some heroics
3. Dedicated to progressing through heroics at whatever rate the group is capable of
-Ideally, I'd like to see heroic modes (or soon to be 'Mythic') but any of these three options, depending on the group.
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
I've loved tanking since I started playing in Burning Crusade. I tanked mostly everything in BC up to Shade of Akama in BT, everything in wrath on normal, everything in Cataclysm on normal. Stopped playing during Dragon Soul and came back about 2 months ago.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
SMM was just a free invite to a level 25 guild.
Does anyone in our guild know you?
Draeneisham is an 'IRL' friend of mine of about 9 years.
How did you find out about our guild?
Forged Alliance is one of the more active alliance guilds, which is enticing.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
90 Warlock
85 Death Knight
85 Priest
All of which I'm terrible at. I've always strongly preferred my Paladin.
What are your play times?
Whenever I'm conscious.
Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
All of them.
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?
Of course.
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?
I have, although I'm only rockin' some LFR / Flex + Timeless gear at the moment.
Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of the Earth
- Well Fed: Chun Tian Spring Rolls / Feasts
- Potion: Potion of the Mountain / Healing Potions
If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?
7.5% Hit, 15% Expertise
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?
Flat haste or Haste hybrids with a worthwhile socket bonus.
What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?
Hit/Expertise > Haste > Mastery ≥ Dodge = Parry
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
I always liked tanking Netherspite in Karazhan. Yogg was cool, too.
What boss mod(s) do you use?
What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
Tankspot / WoWHead / Fatboss' video guides since Tankspot kinda died.
Please link your armory profile: ... ten/simple
Anything else we missed or you want to tell us?
I only started playing again about 2 months ago, so my legendary cloak will be arriving next week
Age: 20
Character Name: Zanzulfanten
Class: Paladin
Level: 90
Main Spec: Protection
Off Spec: Retribution
Trade skills: 600 Engineering / 600 Enchanting
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- Ranks
- About Us
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? The rest of your application will be judged based on the answer to this question.
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal mode group and maybe some heroics
3. Dedicated to progressing through heroics at whatever rate the group is capable of
-Ideally, I'd like to see heroic modes (or soon to be 'Mythic') but any of these three options, depending on the group.
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
I've loved tanking since I started playing in Burning Crusade. I tanked mostly everything in BC up to Shade of Akama in BT, everything in wrath on normal, everything in Cataclysm on normal. Stopped playing during Dragon Soul and came back about 2 months ago.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
SMM was just a free invite to a level 25 guild.
Does anyone in our guild know you?
Draeneisham is an 'IRL' friend of mine of about 9 years.
How did you find out about our guild?
Forged Alliance is one of the more active alliance guilds, which is enticing.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
90 Warlock
85 Death Knight
85 Priest
All of which I'm terrible at. I've always strongly preferred my Paladin.
What are your play times?
Whenever I'm conscious.
Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
All of them.
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?
Of course.
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?
I have, although I'm only rockin' some LFR / Flex + Timeless gear at the moment.
Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of the Earth
- Well Fed: Chun Tian Spring Rolls / Feasts
- Potion: Potion of the Mountain / Healing Potions
If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?
7.5% Hit, 15% Expertise
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?
Flat haste or Haste hybrids with a worthwhile socket bonus.
What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?
Hit/Expertise > Haste > Mastery ≥ Dodge = Parry
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
I always liked tanking Netherspite in Karazhan. Yogg was cool, too.
What boss mod(s) do you use?
What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
Tankspot / WoWHead / Fatboss' video guides since Tankspot kinda died.
Please link your armory profile: ... ten/simple
Anything else we missed or you want to tell us?
I only started playing again about 2 months ago, so my legendary cloak will be arriving next week