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Lazian and friends

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 2:55 pm
by Lazian
Name (first name only if you prefer): Scott

Age: 26

Character Name: Lazian

Class: Rogue main atm
Level: 90

PvP or PvE focus? Both equally. Used to Raid hardcore during cats then recently returned to MoP to find oout how dead the server is.

Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- About Us

Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Member rank?
Every one starts off somewhere.

Do you understand that you SHOULD NOT expect to be invited to raids and will ONLY be invited to raids if no other characters ranked Raider or higher are able to fill those spots?
Makes sense.

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
The raiding guild I was in during cata hopped realms during my break from WoW.

How did you find our guild?
Searching Guilds in WoWProgress

Who in the guild do you know?
No one.

How many alts do you have and is this your main?
Have alot of toons atm, don't really have a main. That's why i'm not worried about raiding content for now. I want to see how my two friends will be leveling and see what they like since they are to WoW.

Anything else we missed or you want to tell us?
We are currently looking for a good guild to level in and get to know because it seems like the alliance side is dead. We can spam in LFG or browse guilds list and apply all day but never get a response. We love to PvP and PvE and are good players at most games we play together. Thanks for your time in reviewing this application, we hope to talk to you soon!

Re: Lazian and friends

Posted: June 19th, 2013, 5:57 pm
by draven
greetings, thanks for the app! i saw your post on the destro forums looking for pvp guilds. we are not a pvp guild, although we do still have a few people that pvp, but most of our pvp oriented people have transferred or been mia lately. i do not think there is an active alliance pvp guild on destro these days. i believe that arenas and rbgs can be run crossrealm, but i'm not positive about that. you may want to check out the oqueue addon if you are not aware of it. currently all raids can be run crossrealm. virtual realms will also hopefully improve things in 5.4. anyway, everything else looks good, if you're still interested track someone down online and we can get you an invite.