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Future (Non-MoP) Raids

Posted: September 21st, 2012, 4:53 pm
by Nevfalath
I was really excited to receive an invite to a random raid this week. I'm really sorry I couldn't attend... I forgot that 7:30 server time meant 10:30 real time here. Ugh! I was totally bummed because I absolutely would have loved to go. Looks like I missed a lot of fun.

Anyway, the point of my post is I am currently working on dungeon and raid achievements, and if anyone ever wants to do a random raid like that (hopefully at an earlier time), please keep me in mind! I am down for anything, even older raids like Naxx. I often keep an ear open in SW for a random raid, but Alliance rarely seem to do anything and when they do, they fail miserably!

Hope to do some fun, casual raids with you all soon! :)

Re: Future (Non-MoP) Raids

Posted: September 21st, 2012, 6:32 pm
by Inori
I've been using Openraid to knock out various cheevos. Since it uses the Battletag system, you can simply remove people after they've invited you into the raid.


Re: Future (Non-MoP) Raids

Posted: October 8th, 2012, 10:08 am
by Nevfalath
I joined OpenRaid... I really want to do Firelands, but every run I see there asks for experience. I just came back to WoW a few months ago, so I missed the Fireland raids. I do not have experience there and the only way to get it is to go! So I'm having a very hard time getting into a raid for it.

I hope the guild decides to run it again soon... I'd love to attend!