Raider app for Kaerien (Individual thread provided by Daghi)

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Posts: 552
Joined: November 30th, 2007, 3:23 am

Raider app for Kaerien (Individual thread provided by Daghi)

Post by Daghi »

Name (first name only if you prefer): Mark
IRL Age: 26
Character Name: Kaerien
Class: Druid
Level: 85
Main Spec: Restoration
Off Spec: Balance
Trade skills: Transmutation Master Alchemist (525), Herbalist (525)
PvP or PvE focus?
In order to quickly obtain power as a healer, I am pursuing a mix of epic PVP and PVE items, and in a matter of a little over 1 month from now I will have item level 359+ in every slot. With this gear, I will be potent enough to be a very successful raid healer, at which point I will substitute PVP gear for PVE gear, and continue to amass PVP items on my own time that will act as a separate outfit for arenas and rated battlegrounds.

Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- General Guild Information and Policies
- About Us


What is your raid experience?
I have played current content since the week that WoW was first released. I have taken numerous breaks throughout, but before Burning Crusade, I had completed BWL and had 8/8 Tier 2 as a resto Druid. I would go on to raid SSC (completing about half of it) and obviously nerfed naxx, kara, and i can't remember what else. I raided and healed heroics successfully during WotLK and now in Cataclysm, I always successfully heal well enough to make up for all of my bad pug groups in heroics, I have completed BH10 and I have completed the first boss of Bastion of Twilight. I have not gone further because I have not yet been in a raid guild since rejoining WoW from a very long (over a year) break recently. I gave my old Druid to a friend. I re-created this one from scratch, and I have not been 85 very long at all. There are definitely numerous raiding historical events that I've done throughout my WoW career, but I honestly can't remember them anymore. :) I was a secondary raider in Momentum a year and a half ago or so. I was also in Crisis.

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
I am in Barrel Roll Inc. They are a PvP guild and I'd like to raid.

Does anyone in our guild know you?

How did you find out about our guild?
Someone informed me of your guild. I do not remember the player's name.

How many alts do you have and is this your main?
This is my main. I have access to multiple of my friend's characters, but I have zero alts.

What are your play times?
Random. I work full-time as a Loss Prevention Officer. I play usually at night and pretty much everyday.

Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
I planned to join your secondary raiding group, but your core raiding group's times actually work better for my schedule.

Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?

Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?
I am currently item level 351, fully gemmed and I have the epic Therazane shoulder enchantment. I plan to reforge and change my gem structure around soon, to raise my haste rating to the Druid's milestone for an extra HoT tick, and put the rest into mastery.

Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of the Draconic Mind for raiding because it offers the most INT, for my heroics, I tend to use Ghost Elixir for the mana regen.
- Well Fed: Being new, I have not yet studied the newest well-fed buffs. I still need to learn this. Like I said, i only recently acquired 85.
- Potion: I always craft the most current mana potions and bring a stack with me to each raid / heroic.

If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?

What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?
Heavy int, spirit as secondary

What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?
Replace critical strike rating with haste rating to a certain point. Mastery as secondary.

What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
I like Argaloth because he's easy and he drops the epics. I am looking forward to facing Cho'Gall.

What boss mod(s) do you use?

What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
Elitist Jerks or random threads

Please link your armory profile: ... ien/simple

Anything else we missed or you want to tell us?
Posts: 552
Joined: November 30th, 2007, 3:23 am

Re: Raider app for Kaerien (Individual thread provided by Da

Post by Daghi »

You lose points for not making a new thread and for not knowing what food to bring.

Your gear isn't quite ready, you need to enchant your gloves, cloak and pants as well as replace your blue pvp helm and bracers. Preferably replace the shoulders too but I'd let that slide since it's the 359 pvp shoulders and is gemed/enchanted. I don't know about resto stuff, but it seems like you have some pvp talents in the resto tree where you could swap those for pve talents in the other trees.

I can't invite you as a raider right now but I can invite you as a member if you want and then when you have everything taken care of you can talk to an officer and get promoted to raider and start getting raid invites.
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Re: Raider app for Kaerien (Individual thread provided by Da

Post by draven »

your user account may not have been deleted when i deleted your reply to the main app thread. my apologies.

also, i detect bullshit. i'm pretty sure momentum didn't exist a year and a half ago, your app / character don't reflect their or crisis' standards, and your raid experience sounds more like a story than something you actually did. it seems like you're trying impress us with experience you don't have, which really isn't necessary around here, and is more detrimental than anything else. however, it's entirely possible my bullshit detector is off on this, and if that is the case, my apologies once again.

anywho, as daghi said your gear / enchants don't meet our requirements for the raider rank, and your spec is not correct for pve. the resto thread on elitist jerks is an excellent resource if you need help with any of that stuff. you should also switch out your glyph of healing touch for rebirth, as nature's swiftness is pretty useless these days, as is rebirth without the glyph.
Posts: 501
Joined: January 2nd, 2008, 1:48 am

Re: Raider app for Kaerien (Individual thread provided by Da

Post by Aezelkvalae »

draven wrote:your user account may not have been deleted when i deleted your reply to the main app thread. my apologies.

also, i detect bullshit. i'm pretty sure momentum didn't exist a year and a half ago, your app / character don't reflect their or crisis' standards, and your raid experience sounds more like a story than something you actually did. it seems like you're trying impress us with experience you don't have, which really isn't necessary around here, and is more detrimental than anything else. however, it's entirely possible my bullshit detector is off on this, and if that is the case, my apologies once again.

anywho, as daghi said your gear / enchants don't meet our requirements for the raider rank, and your spec is not correct for pve. the resto thread on elitist jerks is an excellent resource if you need help with any of that stuff. you should also switch out your glyph of healing touch for rebirth, as nature's swiftness is pretty useless these days, as is rebirth without the glyph.
I'm not necessarily calling bullshit, but who was your old druid? I was in Crisis. I do have to say you have made a lot of rudimentary mistakes in your gear settup that
I wouldn't really expect to see from someone who had raided with guilds like Crisis or Momentum, and yeah, until it's recent revival Momentum has been dead for 2 yrs+ now.

Also, saying you can't remember any of the old raids kinda leads me to disbelieve you. When you grind out progression with guilds like Momentum you damn well can remember it. They spent more than 200 hrs grinding Kil'Jaeden in Sunwell and if you were in that guild at the time you would have been able to recall that, not completely forget the name of the raid.

Really man. Forged Alliance is a casual guild. You could be a brand new player to the game and show interest and get in if you were gemmed/specced correctly. But I do smell a bit of deception here.
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