Posted: March 14th, 2011, 7:11 pm
Name: Jeremiah
IRL Age: 21
Character Name: Nifir
Class: Mage
Level: 85
Main Spec: Arcane
Off Spec: Frost
Trade skills: Mining, Tailoring both 525
PvP or PvE focus?: Both. Full set of both required gear.
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- General Guild Information and Policies
- About Us
What is your raid experience?: Mostly old stuff OS3D, Ulduar, ToTC
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?: Realm and Faction changed to play with an irl friend on Destromath
Does anyone in our guild know you?: No
How did you find out about our guild?: Was advertised in trade by IDraven at approximately 6:30pm server time.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?: This is my main. I have no other 80-85 alts on the Destromath server. Though I do have another 80, 76, and 74 on other servers.
What are your play times?: They vary. Currently going to college full time. I am usually on Mondays 2pm-11pm Tuesdays 1pm-5pm Thursdays 12pm-11pm Fridays thru Sundays 24 hour game play, give or take 5-10 hours for sleep.
What of our raid times would you be able to make?: Thursdays
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?: Yes
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?: Gems yes. Never farmed enough gold as of yet to get serious with enchants.
Raiders are expected to bring consumables to raids. In the following categories what consumable would you bring and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of the Draconic Mind. Provides more dps, mana, and crit.
- Well Fed:
- Potion:
If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?: 17% (last I checked) Reduced to 13% if there are both a Draenei and Shadow Priest in the group.
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?: Hit/Int/Crit
What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?: Haste->Mastery/Crit/Hit
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?: Haven't actually done any current raids, therefor I don't have a favorite. As to which one I look forward to, all of them.
What boss mod(s) do you use?: DBM
What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?:
Link your armory profile: ... fir/simple
Anything else we missed or you want to tell us?: NO
IRL Age: 21
Character Name: Nifir
Class: Mage
Level: 85
Main Spec: Arcane
Off Spec: Frost
Trade skills: Mining, Tailoring both 525
PvP or PvE focus?: Both. Full set of both required gear.
Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying
- General Guild Information and Policies
- About Us
What is your raid experience?: Mostly old stuff OS3D, Ulduar, ToTC
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?: Realm and Faction changed to play with an irl friend on Destromath
Does anyone in our guild know you?: No
How did you find out about our guild?: Was advertised in trade by IDraven at approximately 6:30pm server time.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?: This is my main. I have no other 80-85 alts on the Destromath server. Though I do have another 80, 76, and 74 on other servers.
What are your play times?: They vary. Currently going to college full time. I am usually on Mondays 2pm-11pm Tuesdays 1pm-5pm Thursdays 12pm-11pm Fridays thru Sundays 24 hour game play, give or take 5-10 hours for sleep.
What of our raid times would you be able to make?: Thursdays
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?: Yes
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?: Gems yes. Never farmed enough gold as of yet to get serious with enchants.
Raiders are expected to bring consumables to raids. In the following categories what consumable would you bring and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of the Draconic Mind. Provides more dps, mana, and crit.
- Well Fed:
- Potion:
If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?: 17% (last I checked) Reduced to 13% if there are both a Draenei and Shadow Priest in the group.
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?: Hit/Int/Crit
What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?: Haste->Mastery/Crit/Hit
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?: Haven't actually done any current raids, therefor I don't have a favorite. As to which one I look forward to, all of them.
What boss mod(s) do you use?: DBM
What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?:
Link your armory profile: ... fir/simple
Anything else we missed or you want to tell us?: NO