Guild Application - Crotchpimple
Posted: April 9th, 2010, 9:02 pm
Name: Jeremiah
IRL Age: 34
Character Name: Crotchpimple
Class: Paladin
Level: 80
Main Spec: Protection
Off Spec: Retribution
Trade skills: max JC/BS
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)? PvE
Have you read and understand the following posts? Yes
- About Us
- Ranking System
- Read This Before Applying
What is your raid experience?
----- I am experienced in ICC through Festergut. I have led ICC10's a few times. I have created my own raid guides so I understand all the fights in ICC, Uld, OS, Naxx, etc.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
----- Didn't leave guild. I left the server. It was EST and I am on PST, so this server should work better for me.
Does anyone in our guild know you?
----- No. Just got here.
How did you find out about our guild?
-----I was looking into servers that had a lot of high level guilds on it and yours seemed the most friendly.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
-----I have one lvl 58 dk alt. This is my Main.
What are your play times?
----- Mostly in the evenings and late night. If I'm on, I'll raid.
What of our raid times would you be able to make?
-----I am on here when I can be and would rather raid than do dailies and such. I will always raid if I am on.
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?
-----For sure. I am a team-player.
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?
-----Yes. I am properly spec'd, chanted, and gemmed.
Raiders are expected to bring consumables to raids. In the following categories what consumable would you bring and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Stoneblood (tank), Endless Rage (dps)
- Well Fed: Fish Feast (ap, sp, stam)
- Potion: Healing Potions (health)
What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid?
-----If dps, 5k. This question is confusing.
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
-----Saurfang, because he really challenges the coordination and skill of the group. I am really looking forward to experiencing more in the ICC citadel. Only made it past Saurfang once.
What boss mod do you use?
-----DBM for sure. I have a Mac so I run all the appropriate raiding addons and then some (about 80).
What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
-----Tankspot, wowiki, stratfu, bosskillers, wowhead, etc.
Anything you want to tell us?
-----I am a total team player. I'm just not getting enough experience in ICC as I would like due to my server. If I am accepted, I will be switching to this server (which shows I am making a monetary investment also with acceptance to your guild). I listen to directions well, don't stand in fires (lol), and have no problem bowing out if it would benefit the raid. I also think that since this is a PST server (?) raid timing will work better for me. Currently, I get on around 4-6 PST and it is 7-9est on my server and most raids have started.
Link your armory profile.
----- ... otchpimple
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
-----Seems pretty thorough. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if there is something that I missed or you need to know. Thank you.
IRL Age: 34
Character Name: Crotchpimple
Class: Paladin
Level: 80
Main Spec: Protection
Off Spec: Retribution
Trade skills: max JC/BS
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)? PvE
Have you read and understand the following posts? Yes
- About Us
- Ranking System
- Read This Before Applying
What is your raid experience?
----- I am experienced in ICC through Festergut. I have led ICC10's a few times. I have created my own raid guides so I understand all the fights in ICC, Uld, OS, Naxx, etc.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
----- Didn't leave guild. I left the server. It was EST and I am on PST, so this server should work better for me.
Does anyone in our guild know you?
----- No. Just got here.
How did you find out about our guild?
-----I was looking into servers that had a lot of high level guilds on it and yours seemed the most friendly.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
-----I have one lvl 58 dk alt. This is my Main.
What are your play times?
----- Mostly in the evenings and late night. If I'm on, I'll raid.
What of our raid times would you be able to make?
-----I am on here when I can be and would rather raid than do dailies and such. I will always raid if I am on.
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?
-----For sure. I am a team-player.
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?
-----Yes. I am properly spec'd, chanted, and gemmed.
Raiders are expected to bring consumables to raids. In the following categories what consumable would you bring and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Stoneblood (tank), Endless Rage (dps)
- Well Fed: Fish Feast (ap, sp, stam)
- Potion: Healing Potions (health)
What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid?
-----If dps, 5k. This question is confusing.
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
-----Saurfang, because he really challenges the coordination and skill of the group. I am really looking forward to experiencing more in the ICC citadel. Only made it past Saurfang once.
What boss mod do you use?
-----DBM for sure. I have a Mac so I run all the appropriate raiding addons and then some (about 80).
What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
-----Tankspot, wowiki, stratfu, bosskillers, wowhead, etc.
Anything you want to tell us?
-----I am a total team player. I'm just not getting enough experience in ICC as I would like due to my server. If I am accepted, I will be switching to this server (which shows I am making a monetary investment also with acceptance to your guild). I listen to directions well, don't stand in fires (lol), and have no problem bowing out if it would benefit the raid. I also think that since this is a PST server (?) raid timing will work better for me. Currently, I get on around 4-6 PST and it is 7-9est on my server and most raids have started.
Link your armory profile.
----- ... otchpimple
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
-----Seems pretty thorough. Please feel free to contact me with any questions if there is something that I missed or you need to know. Thank you.