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Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 10th, 2008, 5:55 pm
by executionerr
IRL Age: 22
Character Name: Executionerr
Level: 70
Spec: Protection
Trade skills: Mining/Blacksmithing
Heroic Keys: Have all keys
Karazhan Key? No
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)
*PVE focus (I would prefer to raid as MT or OT or could come as Arms DPS)
Have you read and do you understand the "Before you apply -- READ THIS FIRST!!!" sticky post in this forum?

What is your raid experience?
*Cleared: Kara, Gruuls, Mags, Zul 'Aman Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
*Not active in raiding as i would like it to be. Great friendly guild and i would still play and keep in contact with them
Guild Currently am in: <Beavers>

Does anyone in our guild know you? Julie (Julsey)  and Heidie (Dakila) How many alts do you have and is this your main?  * No alts & Yes this is my main

What are your play times? *Everyday What of our raid times would you be able to make? Tues and Thursdays Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? Yes Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems? Yes What potion/elixir consumables will you bring to a raid (be specific)?    What food food consumables will you bring to the raid (be specific)? Talbuk Steak What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid? What is your favorite boss fight and why?   What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most? What boss mod do you use? What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively?  Anything you want to tell us? This would be my first serious guild if accepted. I respect everyone and enjoy PVE. I would look forward to learning raids and would hope to be a valuble player to the guild. I feel that i know my character very well and can adjust to the surroundings around.
Link your armory profile --- ... ecutionerr
Anything I missed or you want to tell us?

Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 1:00 am
by executionerr
Forgot to add. I do Heroics everyday and obtain minimum of 10 badges a day for about a close to 2 months no. I have gone as dps and tank numerous times. My gear is not excellent due to the face that i've only been prot for 2 months. Although 2 months seem short, i am confident about my tanking strategy and believe my experience tanking everyday as given me that skill. I would like to tank for you guys sometime in Heroics or something. Thank you

Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 3:06 pm
by Kaittlynn
With this upcoming expansion, it is my impression that our raiding is going to be put on hold to level.  Were you applying to see 25 man BC content?  OR are you applying to play with friends.  How do you know Dakila and Julsey?  Thanks for your app, we look forward to discussing this further. 

Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 3:44 pm
by executionerr
I understand. I too will stop the raiding for leveling. My goal is to reach level 80 as soon as possible. I would like to join the guild to get to know the people more and build an in-game relationship with everyone so that if I get accepted into the guild and reach level 80, you all will know me personally and my playing style and hopefully get an opportunity to raid with you all as level 80. I've known Dakila and Julsey for awhile now. I used to talk to Daikla and Julsey everytime because we were leveling together. Throughout my quest to reach level 70...I mainly quested alone. I happened to run into Heidi and Julie's alts and the three of us started questing each other. It got to a certain point until i surpassed their alts and reached 70. I continued to talk to heidi and julie and helped them on their alts at times of need. I stopped talking to Julie because she's back at work now and no longer plays. I still talk to Heidi once in awhile but not like we used to.

Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 7:18 pm
by Kaittlynn
** They are my sisters, so I will talk to them and get their input.  BUt I want you to know that ultimately this is not all my decision.  I am not a recruitment officer-- just trying to clarify information.  Thanks again for your app, a recruitment officer should be looking at your app soon. 

Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 8:13 pm
by Benvolo
Since you are applying for a raid position, why don't you go back and fill out ALL of the app.  Then we can talk.

Executionerr: Dwarf Warrior (Guild App)

Posted: November 11th, 2008, 10:48 pm
by Daghi
Bah, Benvolo beat me to it. At this point whatever gear you have or don't have is irrelevent, it's your attitude and commitment to coming prepared that we're looking for.