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I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 11:48 am
by yhcjo1992
Name: Chris
IRL Age:16yr
Character Name:Soskrn, (S.O.S. Korean)
Spec:Frost, but can change to fire and wanting to get 2 t5 gear to turn to arcane blast spec
Trade skills: tailoring 345, enchanting 290
Heroic Keys:Most, i think all
Karazhan Key? yes
PvP or PvE focus (what spec will you raid with)? PvE
Have you read and do you understand the "Before you apply -- READ THIS FIRST!!!" sticky post in this forum?
What is your raid experience?
Yes, i was with Matix, I've been to SSC and downed up to Tidewalker
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Current guild, PWNT, is PvP, guild and I want to PvE
Does anyone in our guild know you? no
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
This is my main, and i have no alt
What are your play times?when ever, not morning What of our raid times would you be able to make?  i don;t know about tuesday, but i am pretty sure i can on wednesday night and thursday night Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? yeah, im use to it X( lol Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems? not yet, but if i start PvE, i will. I have all epic, except one, mostly from Kara What potion/elixir consumables will you bring to a raid (be specific)?    I bring Elixer of Draenic Wisdom, and Adept's Elixir, sometime, i use Flask of Supreme Power What food food consumables will you bring to the raid (be specific)? well i can make my own food, but i sometime use Poached Blue fish(23 +sd and 20 sprit) What is the (spell) hit your class needs to be viable in a raid? I think for fire mages, u need over 150, I am working on raising mine. i am currently aroun 100, but i didn;t socket yet. I am not socketing right now on PvE gears cuz i don;t want to waste gold if im not going to raid. But if i start, i will. What is your favorite boss fight and why?   Personally i tought Lurker Below from SSC was fun. It was easy to follow, although it is a hard boss to down, and fun to dadge things What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most? Arcimonde!!!! What boss mod do you use? I've used both BigWig, and DBM, I think BigWig is better tho What website do you use to read up on encounters proactively? It is korean web, called WoW Inven. Anything you want to tell us? I have to goto summer camp for 2 weeks from today, During the camp, i can't raid altho i can log on once in a while
Link your armory profile --- ... h&n=Soskrn Anything I missed or you want to tell us? none

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 4:04 pm
by Daghi
Daghi's first impressions: I know english is probably not your first language...but o gawd the spelling, I literally have a headache now
Your "i'm not raiding so i'm putting 0 time/effort into my gear now" attitude is probably what stood out the most. Bad gems/enchants is one thing, we all have used less than stellar gems/enchants before, but to have a TOTAL of 4 gems (3 of which are WHITE QUALITY) and 3 enchants, 2 of which are STAMINA is appauling. You aren't decked out in greens and quest blues, you have 2 pieces of t4, neither of which have any gems or enchants,  i mean COME ON. AND NO META GEM, YOU CAN GET THOSE W/ SPIRIT SHARDS. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGE. Ok, you have some knowlege of your class, you know about consumables, mods, reading up on raid strats so, my advice: Work on your gear, make it look like you care and come back later and re-apply. I'm not an officer, but that's my advice, waiting on benvolo or someone to give an official word.

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 4:31 pm
by yhcjo1992
ok. im sorry about the spelling cuz english is my second language. I make a lot of typos too...... personally ur first comment "but o gawd the spelling, I literally have a headache now" kindda hurt my feeling...
and its not that i am not putting 0 effort into my gear cuz i don't raid now. It just that i want to save gold, and use it on the things that I have to do... Like i said, i will socket if i get in the guild. I can't make a lot of money. I am getting some new gears now and i don;t wanna waste money by putting enchat on blue item, not so good epic, or ones with low +SD. I am working for the mindblade from prince, and i am going to put + 40 on it and enchant on other things as well. the current enchants r because i was raising my enchanting skill. which i kindda stop cuz i am short on gold. so yeah... And T4.. again its a pve gear. which if im not going to pve, ill probably going to exchange with pvp gear. so i weill socket it when i am sure im going to do pve and not waste my money if im not. Im just being practical. and it is not late even tho i socket it after i get in the guild. Meta gem tell the truth, i don;t know wat meta gem is so i haven't done anything to it... that one is my fault... I just want to be practical. i am a student and i play this for fun. I don;t have a lot of time to make many gold so i want to save it as much as i can. I am doing daily from the new island. if my "attitude" was misunderstood, i am sorry.

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 4:39 pm
by Hardwigg
Don't worry about it.  As far as I know 'appauling' isn't a word either, unless it's some sort of veiled reference to somebody's mom, in which case you wouldn't know the guy yet. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to reply and an officer will be getting in touch with you in-game shortly.

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 5:09 pm
by starsaver
Hardwigg wrote Don't worry about it.  As far as I know 'appauling' isn't a word either, unless it's some sort of veiled reference to somebody's mom, in which case you wouldn't know the guy yet.  Paul i love you!!
ffs old man, i'm pretty sure it is a word however it might be mispelled. as for the app, i think i'm going with Daghi on this one. he is straddling the fence as what to do with gems, enchants etc. saying he's only going to gem the pve gear he already has "if" he gets into the guild and that he is going to exchange the t4 he already has for pvp if he doesn't. (which btw if he is talking about the t4 he is wearing is not possibly afaik and that is a bad attitude to have anyway imo) he's 16 and we've got mages in guild older than he is with his attitude. personally he says his focus is pve but yet hasn't spent the time to gem it ( which can be done on the "little" amount of time you do play instead of whatever else your doing) or the right enchants. seems like another getganked type player who wants tokens to exchange for better pvp gear. just my 25 cents... i know you do you

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 5:52 pm
by Daghi
I appologize for the spelling comment, my advice though is have someone proof read something like this in the future so jerks like me can't comment on it. Also i'm never gunna comment on speling w/out being a grammar nazi on my own post. I understand not wanting to enchant blue items, I didn't do that either, but just on what you were wearing on armory there were several epicpieces, T4 included, that didn't have enchants at all or gems for matter. Something cheap like 5 int looks a lot better than nothing. Plus shoulder enchants are rep based and cost aldor/scyer tokens not gold... I'm with you on the broke part, I HATE farming, I hardly ever do dailies, i usually do just enough to cover consumables, respecs and repairs. But you should put some effort into the gear before you join a raiding guild. How can we know you're gunna kick it into gear and get all those gems and enchants after we /ginvite you if you haven't shown any evidence of doing it yet? We're a t6/t5 guild, we probably won't even do a t5 instance this week, just BT/hyjal, so there's already a large gear gap between you and some of our core raiding mages, if i were you i'd want my gear to be as good as it can get.

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 10th, 2008, 7:47 pm
by yhcjo1992
Ok. I accidetly choose the aldor over scryer and i thikn aldor have the healing enchant. Leg, i was gonna do with the tailoring if i can mage to get enough money to make it after buying the potions and what not. and 5int thing, i think i can do with the 290 enchanting thing. really but the tokens, don;t u have to farm for those too?. i am kindda busy with the dailys and rep farming was kindda overwheming. but i am still trying to get it by the marks that drops when im doing daily on the island. now that u say, there was not proof that i was gonna socket or enchant after i am in the guild. but then u can just easily kick me out as well, can't u? of course, like i said i am gonna have to goto camp for 2 weeks tomorrow so after that. and the sucky white grade socket can be replaced later too. and i understand that u r t6/t5 guild. but the reason that i really apply was this guild sounded like a good guild. which include the wednesday night session. which will possibly able me to get some gears suitable for the raid progression night. Other guilds, mostly don;t offer that and i thought this guild was kindda special in that case. and i already agreed if theres a better mage, and we need more dps or sth, i will gladly step out. I am focused in pve , in my opinion cuz i definitly have more pve gear than pvp, and im fire spec right now. but if u still want to say i am pvp focused. well maybe i was wrong. well... at this point, i am kindda doubtful that guild officers are actually gonna accept me.  

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 11th, 2008, 5:01 am
by Drumble
The way I see it is like this -- If you're applying for a job, you need to come to the interview in a nice suit, because first impressions are important and have the necessary skills for the position. The nice suit is your application, not only your spelling - which speaks to the level of caring and commitment you have, but also the content.  I'm a programmer and have an amazing concert and novelty t-shirt collection, so I understand that appearance isn't everything -- but it is the first glimpse we would have at you, so I do wear the one nice outfit I can arrange if I'm ever going on an interview. The content, between what you say and the due dilligence we need to do by looking at wowarmory and talking to people, is how we gauge you're actual skill at the job.  This is where your application fell short, in my opinion.  You haven't done your homework.   You're applying for a team position, but you're coming to the interview without us able to see any of that skill or commitment.   Do your homework, and we might reconsider -- but for now, the answer (from me at least) is "no".

I want to Join the guild, 70 mage

Posted: July 11th, 2008, 11:01 am
by Benvolo
I agree with the rest of us that have posted.  Your gear is not at the level for t6, or t5 for that matter.  150 is not enough to raid, hit cap is 164 for fire.  Maybe you would actually put some time into your gear if we invited you.  But why would we waste the time finding out, esp if you decide to just not to, and have us carry you through the loot parade.    I know this may sound harsh, but you are apply to a guild that is working on the 2nd to last raid encounter in the game, and your gear shows that you are ready for kara.