Epitpah-Holy/Shadow Priest
Posted: April 30th, 2008, 2:33 am
Name: Corey or Rico(Nickname)
IRL Age: 19 soon to be 20
Character Name: Epitpah
Level: 70
Spec: Holy or Shadow ( Yes I do have the gear for both specs.)
Trade skills: 375 Enchanting/Tailoring
Heroic Keys: All Keys
Karazhan Key? Yep....even though it not needed anymore
PvP or PvE focus? I do it all. PvE both specs and PvP Disc. 454 res.
What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)?
Pre-BC- Ony/ZG/AQ20/AQ40/MC BC- Kara Gruul Mag SSC 6/6 TK 2/4 ZA 4/6
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Well my old hardcore raiding guild disbanded cuz the GM went on a power trip and decided to disband the guild randomly one night.... and yes she did forget to empty the guild bank too! wow!
Does anyone in our guild know you? They wouldnt know me as i am relatively new to the server. How many alts do you have and is this your main? I also have a 70 hunter on another server that I am waiting to transfer until I find a good steady raiding guild. My priest is my main.
What are your play times?
I play generally whenever I can, when im not working or at a soccer game. Generally afternoon and nights
Anything you want to tell us?
I guess I might want to specify my gear for both specs incase you are sketchy about that aspect. Holy set- I dont remember the exact number but its around 1980+healing and 200 sumthing mp5 while casting with around 9700 mana or so. Shadow set- pretty straight forward 1205+shadow damage Hope to hear from you soon =)
IRL Age: 19 soon to be 20
Character Name: Epitpah
Level: 70
Spec: Holy or Shadow ( Yes I do have the gear for both specs.)
Trade skills: 375 Enchanting/Tailoring
Heroic Keys: All Keys
Karazhan Key? Yep....even though it not needed anymore
PvP or PvE focus? I do it all. PvE both specs and PvP Disc. 454 res.
What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)?
Pre-BC- Ony/ZG/AQ20/AQ40/MC BC- Kara Gruul Mag SSC 6/6 TK 2/4 ZA 4/6
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Well my old hardcore raiding guild disbanded cuz the GM went on a power trip and decided to disband the guild randomly one night.... and yes she did forget to empty the guild bank too! wow!
Does anyone in our guild know you? They wouldnt know me as i am relatively new to the server. How many alts do you have and is this your main? I also have a 70 hunter on another server that I am waiting to transfer until I find a good steady raiding guild. My priest is my main.
What are your play times?
I play generally whenever I can, when im not working or at a soccer game. Generally afternoon and nights
Anything you want to tell us?
I guess I might want to specify my gear for both specs incase you are sketchy about that aspect. Holy set- I dont remember the exact number but its around 1980+healing and 200 sumthing mp5 while casting with around 9700 mana or so. Shadow set- pretty straight forward 1205+shadow damage Hope to hear from you soon =)