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7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 11th, 2007, 8:52 am
by Drumble
We got our first run at Romulo & Julianne -- and did it with style the second attempt. Felt real good, group was working pretty tightly together. At that point, Zuklen had swapped for Dudepal and Fargol for Kurome -- but not bad for half the raid having instance/quest gear only and a few new people: Attumen took 2 attempts: Worgen Claw Necklace -- Mahonri Bracers of the White Stag -- Shard Moroes took a couple attempts with runouts based on some bad luck Idol of the Avian Heart -- Shard Royal Cloak of Arathi Kings -- Amulec Romulo & Julianne Blade of the Unrequited -- Mahonri Beastmaw Pauldrons -- Shard (!!!) Maiden of Virtue Shard of the Virtuous -- Killean Bracers of Justice -- Killean As we get closer and closer to separating into two distinct raid groups -- we're going to have to not swap out for our mains. As painful as it might be ... next week could be the week. Wednesday's group should be able to take on Curator/Shade with no problems, then get a few attempts in on Prince hopefully!
7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 12th, 2007, 7:14 am
by Drumble
Curator down with a couple attempts. I ended up swapping out for Drumble again so we had less melee dps taking damage. The last attempt too we tried something different, since Fargol can easily soar in aggro on Curator -- having him switch off to the first Astral Flare after an evocation I think gives us that little extra "oomph" to get back ahead of their spawns.Shade of Aran dropped in 2 attempts -- the second time he polymorphed us at 1% .. .desperation.
Next time we should be able to do it without a poly maybe?
... and most importantly, we one-shotted the chess event. That would be SO LAME to lose. NO ONE does that. I can't believe some idiots lose with the rival king at 1% ... glad that's never happened to us!!!!11!one!CuratorFargol - Gloves of the Fallen DefenderMyrdinn - Forest Wind ShoulderpadsShade of AranDudepal - Boots of the IncorruptKairah - Pendant of the Violet EyeChessLhono - Triptych Shield of the AncientsMahonri - Girdle of TreacheryMost exciting though is that we should get our first Prince kill this week!
7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 13th, 2007, 5:41 am
by Drumble
PRINCE DEADIt took 5 attempts (and decent infernal positioning) -- we were never really "killed" by infernals, the attempt where we won - one had dropped right in the middle of everyone and we had the last, longest 1% I've ever seen on a boss.Fargol - Helm of the Fallen HeroAnother - Ruby Drape of the MysticantAmulec - The DecapitatorOn the tails of that and feeling great -- we go one-shot Illhoof. Seems to be a pushover if we have a Pally put in the chains 2x.
Macros win this fight -- to chaotic to click-select the Demonic Chains -- then Terestrian Illhoof (or whatever his actual name is).Mahonri - Xavian Stilettoshard - Shadowvine Cloak of InfusionNetherspite and Nightbane next!!!!
7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 16th, 2007, 11:00 am
by Drumble
Netherspite is FUN. It seems a bit chaotic, but I think we got the hang of it. It really is about knowing your role, not just as DPS -- but in "the dance" as I keep referring to it. This takes a group that can work with some precision -- a couple things I'd note from my perspective.**** NETHERSPITE SHOULD NOT BE MOVED WHILE THE PORTALS ARE OPENThis was causing a HUGE problem as the beams shifted positions and people scrambled to run back into them. We can't have these beams on him for even a second, the effects are too huge. IF we're ever in a situation where we need to move him, we need to call it out -- whoever is in charge of the blue/green would run to the portal and everyone else would have to watch out for the moving beams. Until we're organized enough for that -- lets just keep him in the right spot.
I thought it had good effect to leave a tank in to lock him into place. His targetting is random and while breathing, so if you just left a healer (pally?) / tank we could keep him in position the entire time.RED PORTAL "BOXING"There are two ways to run the red portal. We didn't have the right number of tanks to do it the correct way -- but essentially what Myrdinn and I were doing were swapping out the red beam with Netherspite so that we would never (in the 50 stacks) have it build more than 30-35ish, or he'd one-shot us. This meant we'd step out and allow Netherspite the red beam buff -- which reduces damage taken. If the green beam had such a profound and visibly obvious effect on his health, I can only assume that any amount of stacking will have a major impact on our dps.It might be worth it to have the rogues suck it up for a little, or Killean? Lhono? Hardwigg? If just for a few hits -- you're getting your health replenished by 20k in between 8k blasts.EFFECTIVE PORTAL USAGEWorthless for me to be stepping in to take the blue beam I realized. I should have been buffer to the green hitting Netherspite when not in the red. BALLS OUT DPSI've seen us do it. The chaos/confusion of the encounter I think held us back somewhat ...NEXT TIME HE DIESPlease add any ideas / thoughts you had on the encounter.
7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 16th, 2007, 12:01 pm
by Krikor
Okay from what I was noticing that when mahonri and I would switch off the green beam it was good, and as for the priests if they wanted it then they could just run in behind us at any time and get some mana back, then we just take it back. Also we rogues can stay in the green beam the whole time cause it only stacks about 30-40 ticks most in one complete phase. So the green beam was never a problem, as I did notice when the tanks did move though we were struggling to get back to the green beam back cause it just would leave me and go to Netherspite, so I would agree with you there for the tank not to move or we will have him healing and thats not good at all as we all seen yesterday. But we did a great job I think and I know with the next attempt he will go down.
7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 16th, 2007, 1:02 pm
by Han
Holy crap, I go on vacation for one week and you guys clear all of kara save one boss (not counting nightbane).... GRATS! Great work.
7/10-15 Raid Report
Posted: July 16th, 2007, 7:18 pm
by Hardwigg
I'm all about stepping into whatever beam you guys need me to in order to help out. My only problem during last night's fights was that, sometimes, Netherspite would be too close to the blue portal and I could not use my bow because I had to block the portal, but was too close to him. Just something to keep in mind.