Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by acduke »

I think we're also forgeting something else in this debate. In FA raids its been said time and again if your undergeared that it wasn't a problem because we'd rather have the people to fill the raid. You really can't berate someone that came to help keep the raid in guild numbers either.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by WarmApplePie »

Roger that AC. On the "All FA" raid weeks we need need to hold accountable those within the "Raider" category of ranks. If we have to bring in some of the non raiders to fill out the raid then you're right, we'll take we can get and we will need to stfu about it.
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by eunn »

But here's thing about Ulduar. We are not gonna down any Tier bosses if 1~2 doesn't get the elementary concept of the fights. EVERYONE should be on same page else we will wipe over and over again.

For example, Last night when Benediction downed Hodir, we wiped because of hitting enrage timer @ 5~6% every freaking times because same 4 DPS kept getting frozen by flash freeze and the DPS had to free them out. We finally downed the boss in first try after I aggressively kicked the same people who doesn't get the fight mechanics and as soon as EVERYONE was on same page and knew the fight, we easily downed the boss with 2 min to spare on enrage timer with only 1~2 ppl dead.

I hate to say this but on progression week, WE REALLY NEED TO BE SELECTIVE ON who we going to bring and make sure people who doesn't get to come, understands why. This isn't pride issue, friends are friends yes I know but less than 3k dps is just not going to cut it. I'm sure there are tons of people who will help on basic rotations and what not.

I really don't know how this is going to work out. This time I'm not dealing with puggers which I can kick and replace all day and night if they fall short on performance. It's going to be 100% friends raid so let's see how this works out.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by WarmApplePie »

I'm excited, I really hope this works out. If this doesn't work out I'm going to be very disappointed.

BTW, how do we know who's invited and how many are coming from which guild? And which classes/spec or even just which healer/dps/tanks from which?
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by Brooster »

Gee, alot of these post I think should start /t Brooster. I am available on the Tues raids. I work wed,thur,fri, and alt sat nights. I have been in invited to 1 ulduarr 10 man so my gear isn't up to speed yet. My only resource then is video and strat forums to fights. My DPS falls right about where you all are pointing fingers at. My only concern though is im not fully spec'd for dps, because i'm built to raid support...feiry fire, insect swarm, moonkin buff, and spot heal and decurse. If im going to be measured solely on dps please let me know and I'll respec. It didnt bother me getting a descrete tell about something im not doing or doing at the wrong time. But had it been "hey Noob swing a bigger purse or go home" in raid chat might have been a different reaction. I think one solution might be Class/Type Leaders. that get held to account how they man those spots.
Just My $.o2 worth.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by draven »

dps isn't the best measurement in some cases, raid utility goes a long way. the same could be said for gear, if you don't know what you're doing and / or get yourself dead, 6k dps for 30 seconds doesn't help much.
reading about fights and watching videos helps a lot, but until you're actually there in game there will be things that anyone will miss. there will always be a learning curve, i wouldn't worry about it too much.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by Ofie »

I don't know for sure, but I don't think any of these fingers were at you. For 10 mans, it's really up the individual leaders on what they want to bring. For 25 mans, it's pretty much up to Inori. So no worries, you owned up and a showed a ton of willingness, and that's all we can ask for.
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Joint Raiding Policy + Current State of Ulduar 25

Post by WarmApplePie »

EDIT Moved to other thread
Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... me.
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