
tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Posts: 1
Joined: June 13th, 2015, 10:52 am


Post by Stratix »

Name (first name only): Andrew
Age: 26
Character Name: Stratix
Realm: Azgalor
Class: Monk
Level: 100
Main Spec: Windwalker
Off Spec: Brewmaster
Trade skills: Leatherworking, Blacksmithing

Have you read and understand the following posts?
- Read This Before Applying: Yes
- Ranks: Yes
- About Us: Yes

Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? The rest of your application will be judged based on the answer to this question, so please make sure your character reflects your goals.
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient
2. Raid consistently in a normal / heroic mode group and maybe some mythic
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
4. Hardcore mythic progression
5. None of the above, please explain:

Please link your armory profile: ... tix/simple

What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
I have experience raiding in normal and heroic BRF.

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
RL friends no longer play, so looking for a new guild.

How did you find out about our guild?
While reading your website, it seems like the right fit. I'm looking for a casual raiding scene right now, and you guys seem to cater to that.

Does anyone in our guild know you?

How many alts do you have and is this your main?
~3 (including lvl 100 DK), and yes

What are your play times?
I play during the evenings (Mountain time)

Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
I could make the Monday casual raids, and possibly the Friday ones. Could make time to make Tuesday and Thursday serious raids.

Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?

What website(s) do you use to research your character(s)?
Have you spent a sufficient amount of time and gold on your gear, gems, and enchants?
Yes, but could be improved.

Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Greater Agility
- Well Fed: Herb garden drops, feast
- Potion: healthstones

What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
I'll be honest, I don't have one at the moment.

What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
Blackhand probably, due mainly to the difficulty. I enjoy the 3 different stages.

What boss mod(s) do you use?
Deadly Boss Mod

What website(s) do you use to proactively research raid encounters?
Youtube, mmo-champion

Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Currently a windwalker monk, but considering switching to brewmaster as main spec. I also play my DK alt on a consistent basis.

Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
Posts: 4021
Joined: January 5th, 2007, 6:21 pm
Location: tbd

Re: Stratix

Post by draven »

greetings, thanks for the app!
Stratix wrote: Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? The rest of your application will be judged based on the answer to this question, so please make sure your character reflects your goals.
1. Raid whenever you have time in whatever group is most convenient

How did you find out about our guild?
While reading your website, it seems like the right fit. I'm looking for a casual raiding scene right now, and you guys seem to cater to that.

Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
I could make the Monday casual raids, and possibly the Friday ones. Could make time to make Tuesday and Thursday serious raids.
to clarify how we define casual, it means different things for each group, and the way the groups are run is pretty different.
casual for the friday / monday group means that pretty much anyone is welcome as frequently or infrequently as they can make it. we raid whatever we can, expect to be carrying some people, and things are less serious and probably more fun in the traditional sense. you should be aware that we usually don't have enough people for this group at the moment, but i think we're getting close to being able to run something somewhat consistently.

the tuesday / thursday group is casual in the sense that it is only two days a week, which is relatively little for a progression minded group, and 100% attendance is not expected or required, since people have other things to do at times.
aside from that, gear requirements are strictly enforced and people are expected to keep up to date with the encounters and strategies we are working on. those that do not may expect to be benched if they are hindering the group.
overall this group is more serious and fun is probably defined as progressing through bosses and clearing content, which actually ends up being frustrating at times, especially with how blizzard is designing encounters these days.

at the moment, none of your gear is enchanted, so you don't meet the requirements for the tuesday / thursday group.
Stratix wrote: Have you spent a sufficient amount of time and gold on your gear, gems, and enchants?
Yes, but could be improved.

What is the basic enchanting / gemming strategy for your character?
I'll be honest, I don't have one at the moment.
ask mr. robot is a good starting place for such things: ... or/stratix
Stratix wrote: Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Potion: healthstones
for dps, you should use draenic agility potions. healthstones and healing potions are on a separate cooldown from dps potions now, and healing tonics are actually better than healthstones.

anywho, i think that's it. track someone down online and we can get you an invite as a casual raider for now, and if you decide you want to raid in the progression group you can sign up for a promotion when you're ready.
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