Turbojeezus -585 Ret/Holy Paladin
- Posts: 1
- Joined: October 26th, 2014, 1:25 pm
Turbojeezus -585 Ret/Holy Paladin
Name (first name only): Joel
Age: 27
Character Name: Turbojeezus
Realm: Turalyon
Class: Paladin
Level: 90
Main Spec: Retribution
Off Spec: Holy
Trade skills: Blacksmithing/Enchanting
Have you read and understand the following posts? Yes
- Read This Before Applying
- Ranks
- About Us
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? The rest of your application will be judged based on the answer to this question, so please make sure your character reflects your goals.
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
Current content 14/14H as Retribution.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Got in a car accident and was unable to raid for 8 weeks and was replaced and benched. Did what OQ raids and server pugs that I could to fill the time before 6.0.2 came out.
How did you find out about our guild?
Was looking to transfer back to Alliance and was talking to an old WoW friend of mine about Destromath. I used to play back in Vanilla in a guild called "SWPD" and was trying to find some of the old players. Began to look up server progress, and saw that you were recruiting (as of WoWprogress' knowledge).
Does anyone in our guild know you?
Doubtful, unless I ran an OQ raid with any of them.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
I have 11 alts, and my paladin is my main. I also have a 579 Rogue that is played at the same caliber as my main.
What are your play times?
I attend school until 1 pm CST. Past that I'm online until 2-3 AM.
Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?
What website(s) do you use to research your character(s)?
Icyveins, MMO-Champion Forums (Fix my dps, etc), Simcraft, Askmrrobot, WoWHead.
Have you spent a sufficient amount of time and gold on your gear, gems, and enchants?
Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of Winter's Bite. 114 Strength and currently best for Retribution Paladins until WoD.
- Well Fed: Black Pepper Ribs and Shrimp. 34 Strength (old 300 food), and grants me highest sim over secondary stat food.
- Potion: Potion of Mogu Power. 456 Strength pre-pull and mid-fight use. Best potion until Draenic Strength is released.
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?
With the recent buff to Mastery, my best gemming strategy is:
+10 Haste, +10 Mastery (Red sockets)
+20 Mastery (Yellow Sockets)
+10 crit, +10 Mastery (Off chance Blue Socket)
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
Past Tiers: 25 Heroic Ragnaros due to the sheer excitement of phase 3 mechanics, and just the ambiance of the instance as a whole.
Current: 25 Heroic Thok. I know it is a boring fight to some, but a giant T-Rex boss covered in lightning armor that can eat your face excites me. It also was a huge roadblock for my old guild and I never got tired of it.
Looking forward to the WoD Gruul fight. It was one of my favorites in BC and it will cool to see the changes in person.
What boss mod(s) do you use?
Big Wigs
What website(s) do you use to proactively research raid encounters?
WarcraftAcademy, FatBoss.
Please link your armory profile:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... zus/simple
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Thank you so much for your time. In the event I'm not accepted, I wish you guys the best of luck in the upcoming content.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
None that I can see.
Age: 27
Character Name: Turbojeezus
Realm: Turalyon
Class: Paladin
Level: 90
Main Spec: Retribution
Off Spec: Holy
Trade skills: Blacksmithing/Enchanting
Have you read and understand the following posts? Yes
- Read This Before Applying
- Ranks
- About Us
Which of the following best describes your raiding goals? The rest of your application will be judged based on the answer to this question, so please make sure your character reflects your goals.
3. Dedicated to progressing through mythic at whatever rate the group is capable of
What is your raid experience? Please list as much as you think is relevant.
Current content 14/14H as Retribution.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Got in a car accident and was unable to raid for 8 weeks and was replaced and benched. Did what OQ raids and server pugs that I could to fill the time before 6.0.2 came out.
How did you find out about our guild?
Was looking to transfer back to Alliance and was talking to an old WoW friend of mine about Destromath. I used to play back in Vanilla in a guild called "SWPD" and was trying to find some of the old players. Began to look up server progress, and saw that you were recruiting (as of WoWprogress' knowledge).
Does anyone in our guild know you?
Doubtful, unless I ran an OQ raid with any of them.
How many alts do you have and is this your main?
I have 11 alts, and my paladin is my main. I also have a 579 Rogue that is played at the same caliber as my main.
What are your play times?
I attend school until 1 pm CST. Past that I'm online until 2-3 AM.
Which of our raid times would you be able to make?
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?
What website(s) do you use to research your character(s)?
Icyveins, MMO-Champion Forums (Fix my dps, etc), Simcraft, Askmrrobot, WoWHead.
Have you spent a sufficient amount of time and gold on your gear, gems, and enchants?
Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: Flask of Winter's Bite. 114 Strength and currently best for Retribution Paladins until WoD.
- Well Fed: Black Pepper Ribs and Shrimp. 34 Strength (old 300 food), and grants me highest sim over secondary stat food.
- Potion: Potion of Mogu Power. 456 Strength pre-pull and mid-fight use. Best potion until Draenic Strength is released.
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character?
With the recent buff to Mastery, my best gemming strategy is:
+10 Haste, +10 Mastery (Red sockets)
+20 Mastery (Yellow Sockets)
+10 crit, +10 Mastery (Off chance Blue Socket)
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most?
Past Tiers: 25 Heroic Ragnaros due to the sheer excitement of phase 3 mechanics, and just the ambiance of the instance as a whole.
Current: 25 Heroic Thok. I know it is a boring fight to some, but a giant T-Rex boss covered in lightning armor that can eat your face excites me. It also was a huge roadblock for my old guild and I never got tired of it.
Looking forward to the WoD Gruul fight. It was one of my favorites in BC and it will cool to see the changes in person.
What boss mod(s) do you use?
Big Wigs
What website(s) do you use to proactively research raid encounters?
WarcraftAcademy, FatBoss.
Please link your armory profile:
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... zus/simple
Is there anything else you want to tell us?
Thank you so much for your time. In the event I'm not accepted, I wish you guys the best of luck in the upcoming content.
Are there any ways that we can improve the application process?
None that I can see.
Re: Turbojeezus -585 Ret/Holy Paladin
greetings, thanks for the app! everything looks good to me. fyi raid schedules for wod are still tbd, but they will likely be similar to mop.
anywho, should you decide to join us and transfer, track someone down online and we can get you an invite
that is unfortunate, i hope you've recovered well.Turbojeezus wrote: Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?
Got in a car accident and was unable to raid for 8 weeks and was replaced and benched. Did what OQ raids and server pugs that I could to fill the time before 6.0.2 came out.
i remember that guild, i always thought that was one of the more entertaining guild names.Turbojeezus wrote: How did you find out about our guild?
Was looking to transfer back to Alliance and was talking to an old WoW friend of mine about Destromath. I used to play back in Vanilla in a guild called "SWPD" and was trying to find some of the old players.
anywho, should you decide to join us and transfer, track someone down online and we can get you an invite