greetings! due to the fact that it is relatively difficult to easily fund the gbank these days, i'm going to attempt to sell garrosh kills. my current plan is to sell them for 100k, which will be split between the participants and the gbank, something along the lines of 55k to the gbank and 5k to each raider. this requires us to be able to put together a raid capable of killing garrosh with 9 people, which i don't think will be an issue, as long as we can schedule things properly.
assuming enough people can make it, the raid will be monday nights at 9 or 10 pacific (11 or 12 server), which i think should work since we've usually had enough to work on progression stuff on mondays recently. if i can't find anyone to buy a spot, we'll still kill garrosh, and start getting some guildies their mounts instead. if you have any questions / comments and / or suggestions for this particular topic, please let me know
I'll check when I log in, but how are we doing on guild scenario + dungeon + rated battleground (lol) cash flow? I don't think people are doing many dailies nowadays, so the cash flow from quests is probably super low too.
i think we usually get between 1500 and 2k from the rewards, but i'm pretty sure that if we got all of the weekly rewards they wouldn't even cover repairs.
i think we should give them a couple attempts to do it for real, and if after 3ish attempts they are still the cause of issues we can request they stand in the first desecrate.
What about working towards selling challenge modes or flex achievement runs?
I've never seen achievement runs for sale, but challenge modes go for 120k off-realm, and I believe they get a fair number of bites at that price. There are also a fair number of twitch streams of people doing CM boosts, which may aid in the learning curve.
i'm not sure about achievement runs, the hook for selling garrosh and challenge modes are that they are something that are going away, but i guess it's something we could try. challenge modes are a possibility, we just need to get to the point where we are capable of carrying someone. that would also be a bigger time commitment, whereas garrosh is half an hour a week for something we usually do anyway.