Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
Name (first name only if you prefer): wilson
IRL Age:23
Character Name: sahtra
Class: DK
Level: 84
Main Spec: blood
Off Spec: unholy
Trade skills: mining, BS
PvP or PvE focus? PVE
Have you read and understand the following posts? YES
- Read This Before Applying
- General Guild Information and Policies
- About Us
What is your raid experience?
finished all WOTLK raids except ulduar. On my rogue.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? I am still in "Sanctuary" but they stopped raiding or is more pvp based in cata.
Does anyone in our guild know you? Not that I know of.
How did you find out about our guild? Trade spam
How many alts do you have and is this your main? I have 3 alts. This is my alt but I am planning to make him my main. I saw your reqs for raid. I know I can hit it by next week to raid with you guys. I know because my druid got to ilvl 351 in 1 week. Since I am a tank I expect to gear up even quicker. Hopefully 350 something by next sunday.
What are your play times? everyday all day except wednesday.
Which of our raid times would you be able to make? The core raid times fit me best. Sunday/Monday.
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? Yea
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems? Yea always especially before a raid. But of course Not atm because I am still level 84 lol.
Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: steelskin!!!
- Well Fed: hopefully raid has feast if not ill prolly buy beer-basted crocolisk. Unless there are new foods I don't know about.
- Potion: health pot/earten potion
If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?
7% + 3/3 virulence
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character? Sta and mastery.
What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?
reforging everything into mastery. while keeping my dodge/parry at the same rating.
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most? So far I only tried 4 bosses in cata and downed 3 of them. The first 3 in BWD i downed on my healer with my guild. I pugged a fail to4w. I dont have any fav boss fight in cata yet. In WOTLK it was saurfang for my rogue cuz i never had to run around.
What boss mod(s) do you use?
What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
youtube for vids (omfgcata). I rarely read but I liked tankspot.
Please link your armory profile:
Anything else we missed or you want to tell us? I mained rogue back in WOTLK so all my achievements are on my rogue. I quit in March of last year before we downed LK. Just came back this month and I decided to main my resto druid. Got to ilvl 351 in 1 week. Now I changed my mind and want to main tank DK. I always wanted to main tank but it was super hard to gear up as a tank back in WOTLK cuz nobody wanted you as a tank unless you way super overgeared. An example is when you can do 5m heroic with 25k hp but people didn't want you unless u have 30k or even 40k. But now in cata its super easy so I want to gear up my tank and make him my main. I know for sure I can be pre raid geared. Tank experience are TOC/ICC raids in WOTLK and dungeons in cata. So I do know how to raid even though I make it sound like I never played my tank much in WOTLK lol. I already saw vids of all the boss fights in cata. I 1 shotted all 3 of those raid boss I mentioned above. If you tell me your guild's strat I'm sure I/we can 1 shot everything too.
IRL Age:23
Character Name: sahtra
Class: DK
Level: 84
Main Spec: blood
Off Spec: unholy
Trade skills: mining, BS
PvP or PvE focus? PVE
Have you read and understand the following posts? YES
- Read This Before Applying
- General Guild Information and Policies
- About Us
What is your raid experience?
finished all WOTLK raids except ulduar. On my rogue.
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? I am still in "Sanctuary" but they stopped raiding or is more pvp based in cata.
Does anyone in our guild know you? Not that I know of.
How did you find out about our guild? Trade spam
How many alts do you have and is this your main? I have 3 alts. This is my alt but I am planning to make him my main. I saw your reqs for raid. I know I can hit it by next week to raid with you guys. I know because my druid got to ilvl 351 in 1 week. Since I am a tank I expect to gear up even quicker. Hopefully 350 something by next sunday.
What are your play times? everyday all day except wednesday.
Which of our raid times would you be able to make? The core raid times fit me best. Sunday/Monday.
Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss? Yea
Have you spent proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems? Yea always especially before a raid. But of course Not atm because I am still level 84 lol.
Raiders are expected to use consumables during raids. In the following categories what consumable would you use and why?
- Flask/Elixirs: steelskin!!!
- Well Fed: hopefully raid has feast if not ill prolly buy beer-basted crocolisk. Unless there are new foods I don't know about.
- Potion: health pot/earten potion
If you are DPS, what is the (spell) hit your character needs to be viable in a raid?
7% + 3/3 virulence
What is the basic gemming strategy for your character? Sta and mastery.
What is the basic reforging strategy for your character?
reforging everything into mastery. while keeping my dodge/parry at the same rating.
What is your favorite boss fight and why? What boss haven't you fought that you're looking forward to the most? So far I only tried 4 bosses in cata and downed 3 of them. The first 3 in BWD i downed on my healer with my guild. I pugged a fail to4w. I dont have any fav boss fight in cata yet. In WOTLK it was saurfang for my rogue cuz i never had to run around.
What boss mod(s) do you use?
What website(s) do you use to read up on encounters proactively?
youtube for vids (omfgcata). I rarely read but I liked tankspot.
Please link your armory profile:
Anything else we missed or you want to tell us? I mained rogue back in WOTLK so all my achievements are on my rogue. I quit in March of last year before we downed LK. Just came back this month and I decided to main my resto druid. Got to ilvl 351 in 1 week. Now I changed my mind and want to main tank DK. I always wanted to main tank but it was super hard to gear up as a tank back in WOTLK cuz nobody wanted you as a tank unless you way super overgeared. An example is when you can do 5m heroic with 25k hp but people didn't want you unless u have 30k or even 40k. But now in cata its super easy so I want to gear up my tank and make him my main. I know for sure I can be pre raid geared. Tank experience are TOC/ICC raids in WOTLK and dungeons in cata. So I do know how to raid even though I make it sound like I never played my tank much in WOTLK lol. I already saw vids of all the boss fights in cata. I 1 shotted all 3 of those raid boss I mentioned above. If you tell me your guild's strat I'm sure I/we can 1 shot everything too.
Re: Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
I don't see a link to your armory profile. Just a heads up, our Sunday/Monday raid is generally full, and we have people that are consistently on a "sub" list. In your last paragraph you talk about switching mains quite a bit. Just so you know, we don't really like raiders changing their mains at all really. Not saying that you would switch "mains" when you received the gear you want, just a heads up if you want to come raid on your DK, expect to play that for the rest of the xpac. That being said, you seem like a pretty nice guy and you have experience, so I will let someone that has DK experience chime in.
Re: Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
greetings, thanks for the app. as benvolo said, it would be unlikely that there would be a tank spot in the core group anytime soon. also, since you're not 85 yet, you would just be accepted as a member, and then when you're ready you can sign up for the raider rank. so if you're still interested, track someone down online and we can get you an invite.
Re: Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
is there a spot for a tree? ilvl 351.
Re: Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
we probably need healers more than tanks, but again the sunday / monday group is generally full. we're looking to get another group going friday if that helps.
Re: Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
Yea. Since this is my healer I can probably do the tues/thurs group too. Is there room in there? If so I'll join for sure on my tree.
Re: Sahtra - bloody tank DK - CORE RAIDER
yes, we are generally short a healer on tuesday / thursday. if you could post a separate app for your druid, that would be swell. thanks!