Tsunade - Priest - Nonraider

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Posts: 1
Joined: September 9th, 2009, 12:01 am

Tsunade - Priest - Nonraider

Post by Tsunade »

Name: Mike
IRL Age: 26 (until Friday)
Character Name: Tsunade
Class: Priest
Level: 80
Trade skills: Enchanting / Tailoring

Have you read and understand the following posts? - Yep

Do you understand that if you are accepted you will be given the Recruit rank? Sure.

Do you understand that you SHOULD NOT expect to be invited to raids and will ONLY be invited to raids if no other characters Raider Alt or higher are able to fill those spots?

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? It just didn't have the family atmosphere it used to have.

How did you find our guild? I've known Dustin since what, 1997? 98? Also I made him play on Destro.

Who in the guild do you know? Mainly Dustin.

How many alts do you have and is this your main? At this point, it's my main. I have an 80 DK, a 71 Druid, 70 Warlock, 66 Hunter, 65 Mage, plus a handful of low level mules and whatnot.

Anything I missed or you want to tell us?
Maybe just a little background.
I've played since a couple months after release. I did some initial pioneering on Destro in MC, and then played with a less progressive guild that was more focused on community for a while (Music of the Spears). Eventually I joined Fates Hand, and pioneered AQ40 and Naxx as a healer, then as a Shadow Priest through the entirety of the BC content. When Wrath came out, I leveled my DK up right away, burnt myself out, and basically quit for several months. After coming back, with Fates Hand being so progression-oriented and me not being much for raiding anymore, I didn't really fit in, and a lot of the people had changed or were new. Dustin's been a good friend for most of the time I've known him since we met playing MUSHs back in the late 90s. I've done several 5-mans with FA members, and it's been a blast every time. Everyone's been friendly, welcoming, and very laid back. What I'm hoping for is just that - a laid back place to talk, run dungeons, quest, whatever, with you guys as well as my girlfriend (Elaine / Serae) who joined last night.
Posts: 1566
Joined: July 14th, 2007, 6:33 pm
Location: Pennsylvania, USA

Tsunade - Priest - Nonraider

Post by thandrenn »

Accepted. Welcome!
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