Ursalog- 70 Mage
Ursalog- 70 Mage
Name: Gustavo A. Diaz
IRL Age:19
Character Name:Ursalog
Trade skills:Engineering/Tailoring
Heroic Keys:All
Karazhan Key?Yes
PvP or PvE focus (what is your spec too)?PvE, my specc if full frost with crit debuff
Have you read and do you understand the "Before you apply -- READ THIS FIRST!!!" sticky post in this forum?yes
What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)?Kara, Mag, some SSC, TK with you guys
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?Not enough high end content, and no one i really knew
Does anyone in our guild know you?Yes Aezelvkalae How many alts do you have and is this your main?This is my main, i have low level alts but not enough patience to level them to 70 >.<
What are your play times?I play from 1pm server usually when im not too busy at work, might start as late as 3pm, i take a break at 6pm for the gym and get back at 7pm then i play till 11pm What of our raid times would you be able to make? 7:30pm is a good time for me honestly, living ont he eastern coast its usually hard to find good raid times Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?Sure if someone beat me to it, good for them Are you willing to invest proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?yeah Will you come to raid with potion consumables?yep Will you come to a raid with food consumables?I a mage always Do you read up on encounters proactively? yeah i look up encounters on google how to vids Anything you want to tell us?TK was fun as hell i want to go again
Anything I missed? I have 1123 spell dmg, 126 spell hit rating, 16.5% spell crit(+10% on a debuffed target +50% on a frozen target), no haste rating im sorry to say Thanks! Gus.
IRL Age:19
Character Name:Ursalog
Trade skills:Engineering/Tailoring
Heroic Keys:All
Karazhan Key?Yes
PvP or PvE focus (what is your spec too)?PvE, my specc if full frost with crit debuff
Have you read and do you understand the "Before you apply -- READ THIS FIRST!!!" sticky post in this forum?yes
What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)?Kara, Mag, some SSC, TK with you guys
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?Not enough high end content, and no one i really knew
Does anyone in our guild know you?Yes Aezelvkalae How many alts do you have and is this your main?This is my main, i have low level alts but not enough patience to level them to 70 >.<
What are your play times?I play from 1pm server usually when im not too busy at work, might start as late as 3pm, i take a break at 6pm for the gym and get back at 7pm then i play till 11pm What of our raid times would you be able to make? 7:30pm is a good time for me honestly, living ont he eastern coast its usually hard to find good raid times Would you be willing to sit out if it is necessary without a fuss?Sure if someone beat me to it, good for them Are you willing to invest proper time and money into your gear / enchants / gems?yeah Will you come to raid with potion consumables?yep Will you come to a raid with food consumables?I a mage always Do you read up on encounters proactively? yeah i look up encounters on google how to vids Anything you want to tell us?TK was fun as hell i want to go again
Anything I missed? I have 1123 spell dmg, 126 spell hit rating, 16.5% spell crit(+10% on a debuffed target +50% on a frozen target), no haste rating im sorry to say Thanks! Gus.
Ursalog- 70 Mage
First of all, let me say "Thanks!" to completing our raid when we needed spots filled, that goes a long way for me personally on being accepted (automatic perhaps?). There are a couple points I wanted to make on your application, though I'll defer any sort of analysis to Benvolo, our resident mage abuser. -- You'd be willing to sit out if someone made it there before you. But what if we needed to change up the raid to make an encounter run better -- or pull in an officer who let us know he'd be on late -- would you be okay with taking a bench then? -- You mentioned you're a mage so you'd always come with consumables -- I'm not sure you got what I was referring to. Are you going to bring a healthy supply of mage dps food buffs, as well as the battle/guardian elixirs and plenty of Super Mana pots? -- I'm an east coaster myself, and our raids sometimes run really late for me -- how late (server time) are you willing to stay reliably? Typically we dont push past 11 -- but sometimes we'll stretch an extra half hour or so for a certain boss or something...
Ursalog- 70 Mage
-- You'd be willing to sit out if someone made it there before you. But what if we needed to change up the raid to make an encounter run better -- or pull in an officer who let us know he'd be on late -- would you be okay with taking a bench then?If we can down a boss beter, so be it i say -- You mentioned you're a mage so you'd always come with consumables -- I'm not sure you got what I was referring to. Are you going to bring a healthy supply of mage dps food buffs, as well as the battle/guardian elixirs and plenty of Super Mana pots?Yep. reagents, pot,s elixirs, food buffs, i like seeing my damage high anyhow so u bet ill be prepared. -- I'm an east coaster myself, and our raids sometimes run really late for me -- how late (server time) are you willing to stay reliably? Typically we dont push past 11 -- but sometimes we'll stretch an extra half hour or so for a certain boss or something... 11 would be no problem for me after that it may be a bit of a strech but till 11pm im good to go.