Request for Guild Invite - Guroo
Request for Guild Invite - Guroo
IRL Age: 45 - <---Old Fart
Character Name: Guroo
Level: 13/ Mage
Spec: Fire Atm
Trade skills: Enc/ Mining
Heroic Keys: Not Yet
Karazhan Key? Not Yet
PvP or PvE focus? Pvp Then PvE
What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)? Tons.... Have 70's on 2 other servers.. Been playing since the beginning...
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? Im joining this server and hopefully this guild because serverl RL friends from work play here
Does anyone in our guild know you?yes...Several.. Momori (Justin) is one How many alts do you have and is this your main? 2 will probably get play time...Meyham and KooJoe
What are your play times? after 630 pm pst weekdays and Lots on the weekends
Anything you want to tell us?Just that, if you are looking for players that are helpful, been around the block and can bring some level of game knowledge to the guild.. Im the guy... Played several Toon specs so can help other beginners with toon building...
Anything I missed? Nope..Dats It...
IRL Age: 45 - <---Old Fart
Character Name: Guroo
Level: 13/ Mage
Spec: Fire Atm
Trade skills: Enc/ Mining
Heroic Keys: Not Yet
Karazhan Key? Not Yet
PvP or PvE focus? Pvp Then PvE
What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)? Tons.... Have 70's on 2 other servers.. Been playing since the beginning...
Why did you leave your previous (current) guild? Im joining this server and hopefully this guild because serverl RL friends from work play here
Does anyone in our guild know you?yes...Several.. Momori (Justin) is one How many alts do you have and is this your main? 2 will probably get play time...Meyham and KooJoe
What are your play times? after 630 pm pst weekdays and Lots on the weekends
Anything you want to tell us?Just that, if you are looking for players that are helpful, been around the block and can bring some level of game knowledge to the guild.. Im the guy... Played several Toon specs so can help other beginners with toon building...
Anything I missed? Nope..Dats It...
Request for Guild Invite - Guroo
We're fairly accomodating for RL friends -- but I did have a couple questions about your application regardless: * You have 70's on other servers, are you still playing there? ... if not, why not just transfer instead of re-level/re-gear? * Mimori is a mage as well, how come you would choose the same class as his main? (Just thinking it wouldn't be as easy to 5-man except with his alts) * What is your end-goal? Hanging out with workmates? Heroics? Raiding? One comment too on "Played serveral Toon specs so can help other beginners with toon building..." -- I find that it's best to keep my treasure trove of knowledge to myself unless asked specifically. The answer to most questions is "whatever works with your play style". There really are too many factors for things - what works for raiding vs. what works for PvP vs. what works for 5-man vs. what works for farming/daily quests vs. etc... You'll be a hero to someone, but invite a heated debate and be thought of as an idiot to others.
Request for Guild Invite - Guroo
Not to worry. He's not someone who tells others how to play their classes (we have more than enough of those personalities anyway), he's just always been the type to help others with questions/leveling/quests, etc. I also can't really see him getting pulled into a silly debate about how to play the game. I've played with him on Medivh (non-PvP realm, hence the reason toons are non-transferrable) and while he's a hard core gamer, he is laid back with other human beings. As for 5-manning, I rolled my hunter and shaman specifically so that I could have a variety of options to do heroics with Kevin (Kurumi). Moreover, I'm not the only person he knows here (Garif, Wayne, McStabbie, Ritechous, Thatgirl, etc.) so I don't think that's going to be a problem at all. I'm not answering his questions for him, but I am giving my two cents since I did refer him.
Request for Guild Invite - Guroo
No problem Justin / Guroo, we really like to accomodate real life friends in the guild (why else would we be spending so much time in Azeroth =) Just hit Myrdinn up in game and I'll be glad to send an intive. May not be on a whole lot until later in the week though.