70 Hunter

tell us about yourself and what brings you to Forged Alliance
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Posts: 2
Joined: April 16th, 2008, 4:21 am

70 Hunter

Post by Abeastt »

Name:  Jake
IRL Age: 15
Character Name: Abeastt
Level: 70
Spec: 40/21/0
Trade skills:
Heroic Keys: All
Karazhan Key? Yes
PvP or PvE focus? Full glad, Heavy seargant's cape. PvE epics.

What is your raid experience (none is fine, we're just trying to get a measure)?  I have done kara numerous times. I have done Gruul's. I have done Mag. I have yet to go to ZA. (Although i watch my friend run it all the time and have looked up the bosses. I have also been to some SSC.

Why did you leave your previous (current) guild?  They were a little unorganized for a few reasons. I just want to try a guild that is more progressive.

Do you know anyone in our guild currently?  Devilsfury.

How many alts do you have and is this your main?  My main alts are a 33 Shammy and a 36 Pally. This is my main.

What are your play times?  I play anytime i'm not eating, doing homework, with friends, or at school.  i can't raid on thursdays, but every other day i am available.

Anything you want to tell us?  I know how to play my class very well by learning from my friend Craa.  I am very good with otehr people and i do not whine.  I am pretty chill and am looking for a guild that is the same.

Anything I missed?  Nope
Posts: 1040
Joined: January 4th, 2007, 7:10 am

70 Hunter

Post by Drumble »

Make sure you read the new sticky at the top of the forum -- if this is acceptible, contact myself or an officer in the game for an invite.  
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