Search found 2 matches

by ImpishGenie
July 12th, 2019, 4:54 pm
Forum: Guild Applications
Topic: Application: Belrythe
Replies: 3
Views: 2307

Re: Application: Belrythe

i should also mention that we may be altering our raid schedule to end earlier in the not too distant future, with the goal of raiding the same amount of time or less but potentially on other days. are there any other days that you are or aren't available? I should be available Sunday, Monday, Wedn...
by ImpishGenie
July 12th, 2019, 2:37 pm
Forum: Guild Applications
Topic: Application: Belrythe
Replies: 3
Views: 2307

Application: Belrythe

Name (first name only): Kaley Age: 28 Character Name: Belrythe Realm: Moon Guard Class: DH Level: 120 / ilvl 412 Main Spec: Veng Off Spec(s): Havoc Have you read and understand the following posts? - Read This Before Applying - Raiding and Rosters Yes Which of the following best describes your raidi...