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by arednie
April 15th, 2016, 9:54 am
Forum: General and Raid Information
Topic: Schools Out Forever - required for Glory of Pandarian Hero
Replies: 2
Views: 1286

Re: Schools Out Forever - required for Glory of Pandarian He

Thanks Draven,

The first of those is the only one that cannot be achieved solo (at 100), the second one can only be achieved by certain classes solo.
by arednie
April 14th, 2016, 11:27 pm
Forum: General and Raid Information
Topic: Schools Out Forever - required for Glory of Pandarian Hero
Replies: 2
Views: 1286

Schools Out Forever - required for Glory of Pandarian Hero

Hi Thanks Draven for suggesting I post here. I have set up a run on Sunday afternoon 3pm PST to get Schools out Forever done. Needs a full group to get all the ghosties. Please do sign up on Openraid if you have 15 minutes or so or if you need to complete the achievement yourself.
by arednie
April 13th, 2016, 11:55 am
Forum: Guild Applications
Topic: Arednie - Shaman (resto/ele)
Replies: 2
Views: 2131

Re: Arednie - Shaman (resto/ele)

Hi, I level and quest as ele, so pretty comfortable and have tried to keep legendary rings both updating at the same time (bit tiresome and slow :( ). Also did quite a bit of heroic progress as ele until was asked to switch back to resto. I am also currently lvling a dk tank ready for xp and played ...
by arednie
April 12th, 2016, 8:47 pm
Forum: Guild Applications
Topic: Arednie - Shaman (resto/ele)
Replies: 2
Views: 2131

Arednie - Shaman (resto/ele)

Name (first name only): Mandy Age: fifties :P but young at heart. Character Name: Arednie Realm: Azuremyst Class: Shaman Level: 100 Main Spec: resto Off Spec: ele Trade skills: ench/alch Have you read and understand the following posts? - Read This Before Applying yes - Ranks yes - About Us yes Whic...